MID-TERM PRACTICE MID-TERM WEEK: January Global 10 Mid-Term: Wednesday, January 27 at 8:00 a.m. in the large cafeteria Test Format: Mock Regents Exam 50 multiple choice questions 1 DBQ Essay 1 thematic essay
MOCK REGENTS EXAM 3 HOUR TIME LIMIT 50 Multiple choice questions minutes DBQ 1-1 ½ hours 30% of the exam Thematic Essay minutes 15% of the exam score
Bring: sharpened #2 pencils with erasers pens (blue/black ink) highlighter tissues
WHAT IS A THEMATIC ESSAY BASED ON A THEME -Identifies a specific theme from social studies -Presents a general statement regarding that theme -States a specific task which must be addressed in an essay response -Is graded using a rubric which is made available to students during the test in the exam booklet.rubric
Generally, the thematic essay question will be centered on some type of topic such as: August 2005Change (Individuals) June 2005Global Problems January 2005Change (Political Events) August 2004 Economic Systems June 2004 Turning Points January 2004Change (Individuals) August 2003Impact of Geography June 2003Conflict January 2003Change (Political Revolutions) August 2002Change (Individuals) June 2002Geography and Society January 2002Geography August 2001Turning Points
Pre-writing Strategies Break down the task Incorporate relevant historical facts and details Develop and support a thesis
Thematic Essay Structure
Absolutism Read pages of the textbook. Take notes Pay particular attention to: The definition of absolutism The reason for this political ideology for the time period Specific Historical Data: Who, What, Why, Where, When?
INTRODUCTION Start by explaining the theme Political Systems What are they? Why is this absoltism the political system of choice from ?
INTRODUCTION CON’T THESIS STATEMENT This is your statement of purpose. In this essay, you will write absoutims and why it was the political systme empolyed thoughout the world in many powerful nations and empire. Thesis statement: It should be the last sentence of your introduction. It is supported troughout the body paragraphs
BODY Describe absolutism. What is it? How did it operate? Why did it operate in this way?
NEXT BODY PARAGRAPH Explain one example of absolutism. Where? Who led? When? What were the positive and negative aspects of this nations/empire’s absolute rule?
CONCLUSION Re-State your thesis Sum up your main points regarding political systems and absolutism.
THE RUBRIC Check over your essay. Good essay structure: indented paragraphs show clear introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs Relevant and accurate facts, examples, details Well developed essay structure, demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization