THESIS English 9
THREE STEPS 1)Topic 2)Belief 3)Reasons
STEP 1: TOPIC The main idea of the essay High school, a book, cell phones, etc.
STEP 2: BELIEF Your opinion on the topic Usually positive or negative
STEP 3: REASONS Include 3 reasons to support your topic and belief Supporting why your opinion is valid/true
CHART TOPICBELIEFREASONS High school concerned getting lost, poor grades, new people Cell phones support them keep in touch with friends, check things on internet, productive apps
TYPICAL FORMULA Topic + Belief + Reasons
THESIS STATEMENT High school is something I am concerned about because I am worried about getting lost, doing poorly in school, and interacting with new people. Cell phones are a good piece of technology because they help people keep in touch with friends, allow people to check the internet, and contain apps that are useful.
CONSISTENT TENSE/PART OF SPEECH Remember to keep the list of your reasons in the same tense (all verbs, nouns, or adjectives) English is the best class because it improves reading skills, increases vocabulary, and helps with writing. OR English is the best class because of its practice of reading skills, the emphasis on vocabulary, and the focus on writing.
YOUR TURN! Prompt: School starts at 7:33 each morning, which some believe is too early while others think is just right. Compose a thesis statement which states your belief about the time the school day should start. TOPICBELIEFREASONS
MORE PRACTICE Prompt: Give your thoughts on why sports should or should not be incorporated into schools. TOPICBELIEFREASONS
AND MORE PRACTICE… Prompt: Describe how “The Veldt” treats the subject of technology. TOPICBELIEFREASONS
PLACEMENT Most importantly… The thesis goes at the END of the INTRODUCTION It is the LAST sentence of the FIRST paragraph