How to make flowers and a vase using recycled materials. By: Diana Vallejos Córdova 3ºA E.S.O
What will you need? To make the flowers you will need: -Scissors -Paper glue or a stapler -Cans of paint (optional) -Wood Sticks. -Paper Rolls (the quantity depends on how many flowers you want to do) To make the vase you will need: -An empty can (a Coke can, a Fanta can...) -Spray paint
1.-The first step is to flatten the paper rolls, but don’t flat them very strong. 2.- When the rolls are flat, start cutting them into 8 equal parts. (Do this with all your paper rolls) Steps (Flowers)
3.- After cutting them, start placing them into a flower position. (You can place them into different flowers position this is only an idea, just be creative!) 4.-Glue the edges of the parts into your favourite position.
5.- Glue the wood stick between two petals and you’ve finished. I decided to paint the petals and the wood ‘stem’ but this is completely optional. You can let them in their original colour and the recycled materials will be more noticeable. You can also put the flowers on the walls, without the stem. They are a good option if you want to make a cheap and easy decoration.
Different Ideas of Flowers.
Steps (Vase) 1.- Choose a can, you can choose whatever can size you want. 2.- Clean the can (not only outside). Let it dry. 3.- Start painting the can with a base colour. (You can use spray paint or whatever type of paint, I used spray paint and I recommend to use that type of paint)
4.-Use a can opener to remove the top of the can. 5.- Paint your can with the colours you want and you can also make designs, patterns, drawings... Let your imagination fly.
Different ideas on how to paint your vase.
And the last step… Place the flowers into the vase and that’s all, now you have recycled flowers and a vase. I think it looks nice, but you can work more on it and it will look prettier and also it’s too easy to make!