OP ARTIST BRIDGET RILEY “My paintings are concerned with generating visual sensations.”
“There are vast reserves of energy in everything, and if you allow them to operate freely…you are nearer to unleashing a truly creative power.” - BRIDGET RILEY
Bridget Riley, Arrest 3, 1965
Bridget Riley, Blaze 1, 1962 “ I thought about how I could articulate a circular structure with a diagonal movement.” -Bridget Riley
Bridget Riley, Cataract 3, 1967 “( The viewer’s eye) should feel…soothed, experience frictions and ruptures, glide and drift.” -Bridget Riley
Bridget Riley, Deplaceme, Optical Art
Bridget Riley, Optical Art “ I wanted the space between the picture plane and the spectator to be alive.” -Bridget Riley
Bridget Riley, Optical Art Hospital Walls painted in Bridget Riley design