1/25-1/30 Awakening Writing Workshop
FCAs Use of Textual Evidence PSQs: 4-6 included: (60 pts) Adhere to CQA guidelines: are carefully selected to most effectively and fully support thesis, are embedded smoothly (10 pts each; total 40 pts) and Personally and specifically analyzed with direct thesis connection. (5 pts each; 20 pts total) SSQs 2-3 included: (30 pts) Adhere to CQA guidelines: are carefully selected to most effectively and fully support thesis, are embedded smoothly (10 pts each; total 20 pts) and Personally and specifically analyzed with direct thesis connection. (5 pts each; 10 pts total) Topic Sentences: Each sentence clearly connects to thesis and the body paragraph they introduce. Underline each topic sentence. (15 points) Unforgivables: Discovery of any of these warrants anywhere from a 1 point deduction to a boomeranged paper: Contractions; improper MLA format (including Works Cited); unembedded quotations; clear lack of proofreading; improper title punctuation; no TAG; use of personal pronouns in any regard; using slang
1/25: In class work day - Writing Center GOAL: Establish outline of ideas Carlino will check: Final thesis statements Develop Rough Outline/Paper layout based on thesis structure Due tomorrow: Rough Outline with specific attention to topics based on thesis
Drafting Day Reminders BEFORE drafting, work out the overall vision/development of your paper What are your major TOPICS (not paragraphs) What is the major message you want readers to come away with when they put down your paper? You have 3 pages MAX in length I know this will not allow you to fully develop your topic, but whatever you choose, make it the best it can be.
Things to consider in organizing ideas Does one topic lead to another? For example, can you really talk about Myrtle’s death before you talk about Daisy and Tom? Is one topic stronger than another? Those can either go at the beginning or end of your paper, but if the first question is true, then you don’t have a choice where to put that topic. What can you “save” for your conclusion? Though you’re not being evaluated on it, know that the conclusion should be the space where you bring everything together, so perhaps there’s an idea you want to put there!
Resource Reminder: Essay explanation “Getting to Know the Literary Analysis Essay” “Analysis Dos and Don’ts” “Constructing Effective Paragraphs” “Real-world writing feedback” (Packet of survey responses from Miss C’s friends) Class/Writing website Your book (obviously!)
1/26: In class work day - Writing Center GOAL: Develop one topic and evaluate paragraph structure of it Carlino will check: Rough Outline/Paper layout and paragraphing Work on: developing one topic based on outline, adhering to CQA, breaking into more than one paragraph if necessary Due tomorrow: at least one paragraph with PSQs and CQA labeled
1/27: In class work day - Library Lab GOAL: Develop another topic and evaluate paragraph structure OR continue work on previous topic/paragraph Carlino will check: at least one paragraph with PSQs and CQA labeled Work on: developing another paragraph, adhering to CQA Due Monday: have all paragraphs drafted, printed, prepared for in-class workshop
1/30: In class work day - Class GOAL: Practice Topic Sentences Carlino will check: all paragraphs should be drafted Workshop on: Topic sentences Next assignment and due date TBD
Final Reminders: All body paragraphs due in class on Monday – IN PRINT. No intro/conclusion needed No MLA or Works Cited needed
Please utilize MLA format. If unsure, visit OWL at Purdue website OR my screencast OWL at Purduescreencast Secondary sources not required: we will do a workshop on that on Monday with your rough draft. You can try them if you want… As yourself the WHY question For each of your points, make sure you ask yourself this so you don’t just summarize. Use the “Transition/Analysis Words” sheet to help you do this.“Transition/Analysis Words”