April 20061 Priority 4 Review Team 4: Planning Subcommittee K. Bute, M. DesVignes, M. Eastcott, S. Maradian, J. Ireland, R. Mintz-Binder, J. Moore, D.


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Presentation transcript:

April Priority 4 Review Team 4: Planning Subcommittee K. Bute, M. DesVignes, M. Eastcott, S. Maradian, J. Ireland, R. Mintz-Binder, J. Moore, D. Kinney, W. Marmalejo, J. Moore, B. Regalado, M. Siegel, R. Tillberg, L. Watts, R. Wolf Create a student-centered learning environment that focuses on students' needs, and reduces the barriers to their success.

April Areas of Review 1.Identify what has been accomplished using vital signs and other key indicators 2.Identify gap between strategic goals and outcome 3.Recommendations

April Vital Signs Used as Measures of Success for Priority 4 Degree to which faculty, staff, and administrators believe the college is making progress in creating a student-centered learning environment. (Campus Climate Survey) Rate of overall successful course completion (Partnership for Excellence and USC Diversity Scorecard). Percentage of newly-enrolled students who take one or more classes within a year (Title V: Seamless Entry). Number of counseling appointments by categories (SARS Grid) Number of approved Clubs (ASO)

April Degree to which faculty, staff, and administrators believe the college is making progress in creating a student-centered learning environment.

April 20065

6 * * This data represents the percentage of students who actually enroll in one or more classes after completing an application.

April 20067


9 Strategic Priority 4.1 Reevaluate the effective and efficient delivery of counseling services in support of student success. M. Siegel. The Counseling Dept. had an “advance” in April that was facilitated by a Title V grant consultant. The result was four initiatives: (1) address relationship building, (2) enhance efficiency and effectiveness of services, (3) collect and use data, and (4) create aesthetically-pleasing environment. As of November, 2002, the following actions have been taken: departments were invited to present to the counseling faculty (Music, Library, Computer Sciences, Learning Skills, Family and Consumer Studies have done so; Rad. Tech, Dental Tech, Theatre, Math, and Business are scheduled; (2) requested 4 CGCA’s to cover front counter and learn SARS while reassigning a counselor as assessment coordinator; (3) trained everyone on SARS (the appt system) and upgraded their computer skills while installing new information kiosks, and (4) purchased new display materials. (Rev ) M. Siegel. In Fall 2005,a follow-up to 2002 “advance” was held. Progress on the initiatives noted: (1)address relationship building—continuing to work with departments to keep updated; (2) Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of services—four KIOSKS purchased and placed in strategic places for students to use;.ACTIONPLANIT, an electronic Ed plan was implemented in Fall 2004 in EOP&S and TRIO, implemented in General Counseling, Career, UTC, International and OSS in Fall Counseling Graduate Internship program established in 2002 expanding orientation in winter and summer offering four orientations per day during this period. Three Saturday orientations in summer and one in winter intersession were offered in 2005/06. Interns provided counseling support by answering quick questions on the counter and maintaining student data. An assessment coordinator was assigned and redefined the assessment process. 15-minute counseling appointments established in peak times of the year for quick questions, evaluation of transcripts, pre-requisite checks and other counseling functions(including one semester Ed Plans using ACTIONPLANIT). New counseling software purchased: Discover, CollegeSource. Career Center changed its name and mission to Career and Job Development Center. Created a job development placement office and hired a full time job developer. Career and Job Development workshop series incorporated. Counseling Department working through the matriculation process to send letters to students identified through Early Alert and Subject to Disqualification list to meet with a counselor to discuss their academic progress. (3) Collect and use data—SARS GRID and CALL implemented in all counseling areas to record student contacts and services requested, and to remind students of their appointments. (4) create aesthetically-pleasing environment—carpet was replaced and front office painted and new furniture acquired for the two clerical assistants. New furniture and computers purchased for centers. Window air-conditioners were installed in the front office. Counselor computers were upgraded or replaced. Additional counselor offices built in the GC area for the adjunct counselors and the PD instructor. (Rev )

April Recommendations Priority 4.1 Continue implementing recommended Title V initiatives. Expand successful processes developed by EOPS to include other at-risk students. Including computerized software used to develops and tracks student progress.

April Strategic Priority 4.2 Design a comprehensive system that includes a widespread, early intervention strategy that focuses on student success skills. The Asst. Dean for Matriculation Services will be charged with this responsibility. An FSS grant was successfully submitted but the funding was cut this year. The current plan is to use Title V funds to help initiate the planning for an “Introduction to Higher Education course” that reinvigorates the Personal Development course. Enrollment in this class (and the number of sections offered) has steadily decreased over the last decade. The revised start date for this strategy is January (Rev ) M. Siegel: The Student Success Task Force was established in April 2003 and met for 16 months to design a learning strategies course to assist students in improving their approach to learning. The course was designed in a lecture/lab format to provide students with opportunities to practice the skills outlined in the course. As designed, the lecture portion of the class is taught by a counselor, and the lab portion of the class is taught by a faculty member from one of the academic disciplines. A pilot section of the course was offered in Fall More sections of the class will be offered in Spring UC transferability is being sought for this course. (Rev 2005)

April Recommendations Priority 4.2 Evaluate the feasibility (by fall 2006) of institutionalizing a system that includes the following recommendations. Implement a system based on the six recommendations included below. 1.Mandatory “orientation” process during 1 st semester including.5 or 1-unit course / information session (taught by counselors) 2.LASSI as part of assessment placement with all non-ESL assessments to include the LASSI with low scores programmed for ED Education 101 a prerequisite / co requisite—advisory- to English, Math, etc. ED 101 taught by faculty from across disciplines 4.Provide student success workshops and encourage instructors to offer credit to the students for attending. 5.SSI committee provide input for Flex Day for faculty 6.Improve efficiency of Early-Alert program.

April Strategic Priority 4.3 Develop and implement a new, comprehensive approach to addressing the needs of students who are unable to perform college-level work. M. Des Vignes A proposal has been developed. We need to review and facilitate its implementation.(Rev. 2002) DesVignes: Described in its 6-year and biennial program review document, the Learning Skills Center piloted a basic skills workshop series during the Fall ’04 semester to assist students who demonstrated difficulty in matriculating through the college’s programs and courses. These workshops, offered at three different intervals within the semester, provided students with basic skills instruction in target study skills—test-taking strategies, note-taking methods, vocabulary development, and basic math computations. Analysis of its success will be evaluated during the academic year after a full year of implementation. (Rev. 2005)

April Recommendations Priority 4.3 Institutionalize Learning Skills workshops (piloted ). Workshops will be offered at three different intervals within the semester, providing students with basic skills instruction in target study skills—test-taking strategies, note-taking methods, vocabulary development, and basic math computations.

April Strategic Priority 4.4 Identify critical student services work processes and redesign them to be simple, effective, and both student and staff friendly. M. Siegel: As part of the Title V “Seamless Entry” project, matriculation work processes have been redesigned in parallel with the automation of various services (kiosks, Cub Card, document imaging, and a student information system) and the architectural design of a new Student Admissions Center. Additional efforts need to be rolled out. (Rev ) M. Siegel: Although we made great progress under the Title V grant, many processes cannot be implemented until a building reflecting the design features developed within the grant is constructed. (Rev )

April Recommendations Priority 4.4 Continue to pursue identifying and designing a location and environment appropriate to the implementation of work-flow plan, designed under Title V grant.

April Strategic Priority 4.5 Investigate and identify the causes of “unsuccessful” course completion and implement a comprehensive series of remedies. The college (Institutional Effectiveness) is a member of the Irvine Foundation funded Diversity Scorecard Project that is managed by USC. That project has led to collaboration with the Math Department. In addition, several individuals in Student Services and Academic Affairs have been involved in research in this area. A follow-up task force is being chaired by the Research Analyst in IE. A report to the college president is due in December (Rev ) Longcoffee/Tillberg : The college (Institutional Effectiveness and a Math department faculty) is a member of the Equity Scorecard project that was originally funded by the James Irvine Foundation and is managed by USC’s Center for Urban Education. The LACC team was expanded during 2004 to include participation from various departments. The plans for include forming a core team within the math department to explore issues related to student success, incorporating the project into the learning outcomes process and to initiate other Equity Scorecard related projects throughout the college. A report to the college president is due January (Rev )

April Recommendations Priority 4.5 Use Flex Day to engage faculty and raise awareness of student success strategies and train them on several basic strategies on Flex Day. Explore avenues of research that identify causes of “unsuccessful” course completion. Implement remedies including emphasis on Student Learning Outcomes in Program Review and in courses outlines.

April Priority Summary Below Expect ation GoodExem- plary Recommendations Priority 4.1 Reevaluate the effective and efficient delivery of counseling services in support of student success. X Continue implementing recommended Title V initiatives. Expand successful processes developed by EOPS to include other at-risk students. Including computerized software used to develops and tracks student progress. Priority 4.2 Design a comprehensive system that includes a widespread, early intervention strategy that focuses on student success skills. X Evaluate the feasibility of institutionalizing a system that includes the following by Fall Implement a system based on the six recommendations below. 1.Mandatory “orientation” process during 1 st semester including.5 or 1-unit course / information session (taught by counselors). 2.LASSI as part of assessment placement with all non- ESL assessments to include the LASSI with low scores programmed for Education Education 101 a prerequisite / co requisite—advisory- to English, Math, etc. ED 101 taught by faculty from across disciplines. 4.Provide student success workshops and encourage instructors to allow credit to students who attend. 5.SSI committee provide input for Flex Day for faculty. 6.Improve efficiency of Early-Alert program.

April Priority Summary Below Expect ation GoodExem- plary Recommendations Priority 4.3 Develop and implement a new, comprehensive approach to addressing the needs of students who are unable to perform college-level work. X Institutionalize Learning Skills workshops (piloted ). Workshops will be offered at three different intervals within the semester, providing students with basic skills instruction in target study skills—test-taking strategies, note-taking methods, vocabulary development, and basic math computations.. Priority 4.4 Identify critical student services work processes and redesign them to be simple, effective, and both student and staff friendly. X Continue to pursue identifying and designing a location and environment appropriate to the implementation of work-flow plan, designed under Title V grant. Priority 4.5 Investigate and identify the causes of “unsuccessful” course completion and implement a comprehensive series of remedies. X Use flex day to engage faculty, raise awareness, and train them using student success strategies. Explore avenues of research that identify causes of “unsuccessful” course completion. Implement remedies including emphasis on Student Learning Outcomes in Program Review and in courses outlines.