1 National Math Panel An update…
2 Panelists Dr. Larry Faulkner, ChairDr. Larry Faulkner, Chair –President of Houston Endowment, President Emeritus of the University of Texas Dr. Camilla Persson Benbow, Vice ChairDr. Camilla Persson Benbow, Vice Chair –Dean of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College
3 Panelists (cont.) Dr. Deborah Loewenberg BallDr. Deborah Loewenberg Ball –Dean of the School of Education, University of Michigan Dr. A. Wade BoykinDr. A. Wade Boykin –Director of the Graduate Program in Psychology, Howard University Dr. Francis (Skip) FennellDr. Francis (Skip) Fennell –Professor of Education, McDaniel College and President of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
4 Panelists (cont.) Dr. David C. GearyDr. David C. Geary –Professor of Psychology, University of Missouri Dr. Russell M. GerstenDr. Russell M. Gersten –Executive Director of Instructional Research Group, Long Beach, CA Ms. Nancy IchinagaMs. Nancy Ichinaga –Retired Principal, Inglewood, CA
5 Panelists (cont.) Dr. Tom LovelessDr. Tom Loveless –Director of the Brown Center, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. Dr. Liping MaDr. Liping Ma –Senior Scholar, Carnegie Foundation for Teaching Dr. Valerie ReynaDr. Valerie Reyna –Researcher
6 Panelists (cont.) Dr. Robert S. SieglerDr. Robert S. Siegler –Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University Dr. Wilfred SchidDr. Wilfred Schid –Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University Dr. James SimonsDr. James Simons –President of Renaissance Technologies Corp.
7 Panelists (cont.) Dr. Sandra StotskyDr. Sandra Stotsky –Independent Researcher and Consultant, MA Mr. Vern WilliamsMr. Vern Williams –Middle School Mathematics Teacher, Fairfax County, VA Dr. Hung His WuDr. Hung His Wu –Professor of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley
8 Ex Officio Support Dr. Dan BerchDr. Dan Berch –Associate Chief, NIH Ms. Diane JonesMs. Diane Jones –Deputy to the Associate Director for Science at the White House Mr. Tom LuceMr. Tom Luce –Assistant Secretary of Education
9 Ex Officio Support (cont.) Dr. Kathie L. OlsenDr. Kathie L. Olsen –Deputy Director, NSF Mr. Ray SimonMr. Ray Simon –Deputy Secretary of Education Dr. Grover J. (Russ) WhitehurstDr. Grover J. (Russ) Whitehurst –Director of the Institute of Education Services, Department of Education
10 What have we done… Appointed, Introduced, Sworn inAppointed, Introduced, Sworn in Reviewed chargeReviewed charge Narrowed scopeNarrowed scope MeetingsMeetings –May 22, 2006 – Washington, D.C. –June 28-29, 2006 – Chapel Hill, NC –September 12-14? – Boston, MA –November 6-8? – West Coast or D.C. Open session with public commentOpen session with public comment –All future meetings (1-4 PM, second day)
11 Sub Groups Task Group 1 ("Conceptual Knowledge and Skills"): PreK-8 mathematics concepts and skills which lead to algebra (regardless of whether algebra is defined as a middle school or high school course offering).Task Group 1 ("Conceptual Knowledge and Skills"): PreK-8 mathematics concepts and skills which lead to algebra (regardless of whether algebra is defined as a middle school or high school course offering). Task Group 2 ("Learning Processes"): The processes by which students of various abilities and backgrounds learn mathematics.Task Group 2 ("Learning Processes"): The processes by which students of various abilities and backgrounds learn mathematics. Task Group 3 ("Instructional Practices"): Instructional practices, programs, and materials that are effective for improving mathematics learning.Task Group 3 ("Instructional Practices"): Instructional practices, programs, and materials that are effective for improving mathematics learning. Task Group 4 ("Teachers"): The preparation, selection, placement, and professional development of teachers of mathematics in order to enhance students' learning of mathematics.Task Group 4 ("Teachers"): The preparation, selection, placement, and professional development of teachers of mathematics in order to enhance students' learning of mathematics.
12 Conceptual Knowledge & Skills Francis (Skip) Fennell, ChairFrancis (Skip) Fennell, Chair Larry FaulknerLarry Faulkner Tom LovelessTom Loveless Liping MaLiping Ma Wilfred SchmidWilfred Schmid Hung Hsi WuHung Hsi Wu
13 Learning Processes Dave Geary, ChairDave Geary, Chair Wade BoykinWade Boykin Valerie ReynaValerie Reyna Bob SieglerBob Siegler Dan BerchDan Berch
14 Instructional Practices Russell Gersten, ChairRussell Gersten, Chair Camilla BenbowCamilla Benbow Vern WilliamsVern Williams Diane JonesDiane Jones
15 Teachers Deborah Ball, ChairDeborah Ball, Chair Nancy IchinagaNancy Ichinaga Jim SimonsJim Simons Sandra StotskySandra Stotsky Russ WhitehurstRuss Whitehurst
16 Issues Makeup of Math Panel Shows ˜Glaring Oversight To the Editor: I was relieved to read in your May 24, 2006, article "Some Worry About Potential Bias on the National Math Panel" that there are others who are concerned about the backgrounds of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel members. I am a middle school mathematics teacher with over 30 years of experience, and I am certain that it would be helpful to have more classroom teachers represented on the panel. Moreover, as a teacher of students who speak English as a second language, I am disappointed that there are no panelists who have expertise in both reaching students who are English-language learners and teaching mathematics. The educational needs of this growing population must be addressed if the charge of the panel is to be completed in a meaningful way. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 3.4 million students with limited English proficiency in Over 70 percent of these students are Spanish-speakers. It is my hope that this glaring oversight in the composition of the panel will be corrected, and that the mathematical needs of Hispanic students will be an important part of the panel’s deliberations. Bob McDonald Tempe, Ariz. Vol. 25, Issue 40, Page 28 EDUCATION WEEK Published: June 14, 2006
17 Questions?
18 Francis (Skip) Fennell or