The American Revolution Or What I Should Have Already Learned in Middle School World History: 6.2.1
The French and Indian War ( ) England vs. France (with their American Indian allies) England wins, protecting their colonies The war is expensive so England taxes the colonies Colonies had no say in what was taxed or how much
No Taxation Without Representation! England taxed many basic products –Tea –Paper –Glass –Molasses Colonists still considered themselves English –Yet they were the only ones being taxed They felt like, however, they were being treated like foreign citizens
Is u mad, bro? Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770) – Five colonists killed when British soldiers fire into a mob The Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773) – The Sons of Liberty throw British tea into Boston Harbor in protest of taxes The Battles of Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775) – The first shots of the American Revolutionary War are fired
Prepare to answer this question: If you were alive during this period, and had the ability to choose, what would you have supported: –There must be war –The Olive Branch petition is a great idea!
The Declaration of Independence Follows the Olive Branch Petition Written by Thomas Jefferson Adopted by the colonies on July 4, 1776 Not all the signatures were made on the same day Announces the colonies’ formal split from England
American Independence Colonies eventually unite to defeat the British The French, remembering their dislike of the English, help the colonies 1783 – Treaty of Paris: England recognizes the United States of America as an independent nation France likes the model the US has set for achieving independence from a king They also expect America to pay them back for helping