EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 1 EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES IN 2015 BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK By Tim Seufert
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 2 Primer on Special Financing Districts-SFD: Special Assessments and Taxes Sample current reporting requirements AB 2109 new reporting requirements Q&A AGENDA ITEMS 2
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 3 “A man’s ignorance sometimes is not only beautiful, but useful – while his knowledge, so called, is oftentimes worse than useful, besides being ugly... SOME PERSPECTIVE 3
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 4 Which is the best man to deal with -- he who knows nothing about a subject, and, what is extremely rare, knows that he knows nothing, or he who really knows something about it, but thinks he knows it all? “ - Henry David Thoreau SOME PERSPECTIVE 4
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 5 EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask THE PRIMER ON SPECIAL FINANCING DISTRICTS (SFD) 5
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 6 WHAT ARE SFD’S? Parcel taxes CFDs Special Assessments Property-related Fees 6
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 7 LEGISLATIVE AND LEGAL UPDATE / TRENDS 2/3 approval for parcel taxes and CFDs Note: CFD Shapiro San Diego case… Special Assessments still viable Property-related Fees All the buzz about EIFD, or TIF? 7
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 8 SPECIAL FINANCING DISTRICTS – SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES Courts looking over our shoulders… Best practices for assessment engineering Be creative and selective in feasibility analysis… 8
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 9 SPECIAL FINANCING DISTRICTS – SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES Pay as you go? Leverage infrastructure with debt? 9
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 10 SPECIAL FINANCING DISTRICTS – SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES Forms of Debt Municipal bonds Bank loans State Revolving Fund (SRF) i-Bank City/County funds Other/private placement 10
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 11 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT – CASE STUDY: BURLINGAME – DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENTS Downtown Burlingame Avenue years of deterioration Funding challenges Disparate interests coalesce
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 12 SPECIAL TAX / CFD – CASE STUDY: PACHECO VALLE / CITY OF NOVATO Community led effort CFD tax on area parcels 95% voter approval
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 14 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: TODAY R&T Code 163 for Assessments: parcel number, original assessment and current principal balance to the County Assessor CDIAC Reporting for Bonded CFD’s – Government Code § (b) and § (c) SB 165/Government Code – Enacted after January 2001require “annual report” Plus existing SCO reporting…??? 14
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 15 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: TOMORROW? AB 2109: Who, what, when? Who? Each County, City, and Special District. (School Districts?) With a “parcel tax?” Includes CFD’s? 15
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 16 AB 2109 DRAFT SCO DECISION TREE: AB 2109 DRAFT SCO DECISION TREE: 16
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 17 AB 2109: AB 2109: What? 1. “Type” and “Rate” of parcel tax 2. Number of parcels subject/Number exempt 3. Sunset date of tax, if any 4. Amount of revenue received 5. Manner in which revenue used 17
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 18 AB 2109: AB 2109: When? 2015? Or so? 18
EVERYTHING You Wanted to know about SFD’s But Were Afraid to Ask 19 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES League Municipal Revenue Handbook NBS Rate/Fee Compendium Compendium NBS SFD Primer League/CSDA Prop 218 Guides Guide To Local Government Finance in California The Simpsons! Etc. 19