COACHES MEETING Boston College Compliance Office October 21, 2008
TODAY’S TOPICS Initial Eligibility Early Academic Certification Core-Curriculum Time Limitation NCAA Interpretation National Letter of Intent Important Dates Reminders NCAA Interpretation – Camps and Clinics Playing and Practice
INITIAL ELIGIBILITY Early Academic Qualifier Exception -- Early Academic Certification - A student-athlete shall be certified as a qualifier, provided he or she has achieved the following academic criteria: A minimum combined score on the SAT critical reading and math sections of 1000 or a minimum sum score on the ACT of 85, per the requirements of Bylaw ; and A core-course grade-point average of or higher (based on a maximum of 4.000) in a minimum of 13 core courses on completion of six semesters (or the equivalent). The 13 core courses shall include three core courses in English, two in mathematics, two in natural or physical science (including at least one laboratory course if offered) and six additional core courses in any NCAA core area. The record of the courses and course grades must be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center using either an official high school transcript forwarded directly from the high school or a high school transcript forwarded by an institution's admissions office.
INITIAL ELIGIBILITY Core-Course Time Limitation Core-Curriculum Time Limitation - A prospect must complete his or her core-curriculum requirements not later than the high school graduation date of the prospect's class [as determined by the first year of enrollment in high school (ninth grade) or the international equivalent as specified in the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility]. Graduation from high school or secondary school shall be based on the prospect's prescribed educational path in his or her country.
INITIAL ELIGIBILITY Core-Course Time Limitation Exception -- One Core Course after High School Graduation - If a prospect graduates from high school within the core-curriculum time limitation, he or she may use one core course, completed in the year after graduation (summer or academic year), but not later than the end of the academic year immediately after the high school graduation date of the prospective student-athlete's class, to satisfy the core-curriculum or minimum grade-point average requirements or both. The prospect may complete the core course at a location other than the high school from which he or she graduated and may initially enroll full time at a collegiate institution at any time after completion of the core course. A prospect may not use a core course completed after graduation if he or she receives institutional financial aid while enrolled in the course during the summer after the high school graduation date of his or her class (see Bylaw ).
INITIAL ELIGIBILITY NCAA Interpretation Completion of One Additional Core Course After High School Graduation (I) Date Issued: Aug 27, 2008 Type: Official Item Ref: 1-b Interpretation: The committee determined that it is not permissible for a prospect to use a core-course, including an online course, completed after high school graduation to satisfy initial- eligibility requirements if the prospect is enrolled in the course while concurrently receiving athletically related financial aid to attend an institution's summer term.
NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT Important Dates Early Signing Date Signing Date = Nov. 12 th thru Nov. 19 th DEAD PERIOD – Nov. 10 th thru Nov. 13 th No Official or Unofficial Visits during this time!!! Paperwork must be submitted to the Compliance Office no later than Oct. 24 th. NLI’s will be mailed out on Nov. 7 th if submitted to the Compliance Office on time.
NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT Reminders Before submitting The Request for Scholarship Award Form: NCAA Disclosure Reports (APR, GSR, Fed. Grad. Rates) must be sent to the PSA BEFORE they sign an NLI the Disclosure Reports and blind-copy Carly on the – NLI’s will not be issued unless this is done Verify with Admissions that prospect is admissible Verify with prospect that they have registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center Be sure to include the SSN or Eligibility Center code on form Parent or Guardian must sign the NLI if the prospect is under the age of 21. Institutional staff members may make unlimited phone calls on the initial date for signing the NLI and during the two days immediately following the initial signing date Nov. 12 th thru Nov. 14 th Time Deadlines The prospect and parent/guardian must sign the NLI within 14 days from the date of issuance (ex. if dated Nov. 14, must be signed by Nov. 28) The institution must file the NLI with its conference office within 21 days of the final signature (ex. if signed Nov. 14, must be sent to ACC by Dec. 5)
NCAA INTERPRETATION Camps and Clinics Advertising an Institutional Camp or Clinic (I) Date Issued: Sep 25, 2008 Type: Staff Interpretation Item Ref: a Interpretation: The membership services staff determined that it is not permissible for an institution to advertise or promote an institutional camp or clinic in any way that implies a participant should possess a certain level of experience, skill or ability to attend the camp or clinic (e.g., elite camp, all-star camp, varsity camp, five-star camp, blue- chip camp).
In-season limitations: 4 hours per day; 20 hours per week; 1 day off per week. Out-of-seasons limitations: 8 hours per week; Only 2 hours per week can be required skill instruction with sport coach with no limit on the number of SA who may be present after 9/15 (for sports other than FB); The remainder of the 8 hours may be only strength and conditioning activities; 2 days off per week. PLAYING & PRACTICE General Reminders
If you are out-of-season, you may not require ANY countable athletically-related activity beginning one week prior to the beginning of finals through the conclusion of each student- athlete’s final exams. PLAYING & PRACTICE Finals Reminder
PLAYING & PRACTICE Forms Reminders Please include actual times on the monthly calendar for each team activity (practice 3:00 to 5:00, weights 5:00 to 6:00); If you are out-of-season doing small-group skill instruction, please provide a list of individual groups. Please have a student-athlete sign the forms (at the request of the ACC).
GRADUATION RATES Federal Graduation Rate Cohort only includes freshmen on aid during fall semester; Does not include mid-year enrollees or transfers; Does not give credit for transfers departing in good standing. Graduation Success Rate (GSR) Includes mid-year enrollees and transfers; Omits student-athletes who transfer in good academic standing.