American Colonial Life Copy these notes into your notebook
I. Colonial Regions The 13 British colonies were divided into 3 regions – New England, Middle, and Southern. New England – Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire Middle – New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware Southern – Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
II. New England Economy – based on fishing, whaling, shipbuilding, furniture making, shipping goods in and out of major port cities Agriculture – short growing season because of cold weather and rugged terrain; most farms were small and crops were grown for personal use Religion – Reason many New England colonies were founded (Puritan Church) Puritan church wanted to purify Church of England
Church was the center of towns and enforced the strict rules of the communities If you broke a church/community rule, could be punished publicly – caning, put in the stocks, banished from community Education Reading was important in order to study Bible First area in U.S. to have public schools (boys only) Puritans began Harvard – oldest college in U.S. Lifestyle Large cities along coast – Boston, Providence, Newport Most New Englanders were of English background
III. Middle Colonies Economy – most diverse economy of all regions Industries included mining, shipbuilding, barrel-making, textiles and manufacturing Agriculture – better soil and weather led to more agriculture than New England; known as the “bread” colonies for production of wheat Religion – most diverse groups – Quakers (Penn. and Del.), Catholics, Lutherans, Anglican, Jews
Education – no public school requirements Used to prepare boys for a trade Night schools and trade schools were available to those who worked during the day Lifestyle Philadelphia and New York were largest cities in all of the colonies People in the colonies of diverse European backgrounds: English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Scotch-Irish For both New England and Middle colonies, free time still revolved around work – barn raisings, quilting bees
IV. Southern Colonies Economy – based on agriculture. Industries/businesses also revolved around agriculture – forest products, making casks and barrels, naval stores Agriculture – backbone of southern economy In addition to small farms, plantations flourished b/c of ability to make money from certain crops Virginia and Maryland – tobacco; South Carolina and Georgia – rice and indigo
Religion – not much diversity Maryland – established as refuge for Catholics Other southern colonies – Anglican Education – no formal education required Sons of wealthy planters were either educated by private tutors or sent to private schools Lifestyle – only large city was Charleston, SC Social time was used to relax from hard work of farming, managing plantation Parties/barbecues may have lasted for days b/c people traveled from miles around for the get-togethers. Food – all kinds of meats, fresh vegetables and plenty of desserts