1 Key Connections: The Role of Teachers and Parents in College Access among Underrepresented Urban Youth NCAN Annual Conference San Francisco, CA September 16, 2009 Lynn Harbinson Project Manager, E=mc² Partnership Dewayne Morgan Research Analyst, University System of Maryland
2 The Crisis U.S. ranks 21 st out of 27 advanced economies in high school graduation rates (67%) (We were #1 a few decades ago.) U.S. ranks 11 th in college completion rates for year olds (We were #1 a few decades ago.) A lower percentage of 25 to 34 year olds have a college degree than 35 to 44 year olds (One of only two countries with this characteristic.) Fastest growing ethnic groups have lowest education success rates
3 Baltimore and Its City School System 201 schools 13,500 teachers, administrators and staff Approximately 82,200 students in the BCPSS 23% of all people in Baltimore live below the poverty level 9% percent of all city residents over the age of 25 have less than a 9th grade education 22.2% of Baltimore’s residents dropped out of school between the 9th to 12th grades without earning a high school diploma
4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION E=mc² is about ensuring quality teacher education and student achievement by developing communities of educators and learners through supportive, institutionalized relationships among K-16 professionals and students.
5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: FEA COMPONTENT As the only international pre-collegiate program for prospective teachers, the Future Educators Association (FEA) has the mission to provide middle and high school students with opportunities to explore careers in education.
6 CHALLENGES AND EXPERIENCES OF TEACHERS FEA SPONSOR TEACHER $1, Annual Support Yearly Action Plan Data Collection Meetings Once a week Installation Ceremony in Fall Minimum of fifteen (15) active members Two (2) Student Teaching Activities Three (3) Community Related Projects Ten(10) College Visits One (1) High School and/ or Middle School Visit Three (3) Professional Development Participation in Math Olympiad Program At least one (1) student in every event at City and/or State Wide Conference Ten (10) Students register and attend State and/or City Wide Conference
7 STRATEGIES FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Summer Camp Experience Robotics League Math Olympiad Computer Simulations and Programming University Campus Visits Business Engagement and Presentations City-Wide Conference Way-To-Go Maryland
8 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT University Campus Visits City-Wide FEA Conference Way-To-Go Maryland
9 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT Future Educator Association clubs framed in the USM’s college access policy development and commitment…
10 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT How did the institution define its achievement gap? What is the institution proposing to do to address its achievement gap? What has the institution determined to be the measures of success in closing the achievement gap? What is the institution's timeline for closing the achievement gap? What resources does the institution have and need for success?
11 Institutional Support: Lessons Learned Campus teams (not an individual representative) are vital—including financial aid and admissions directors, faculty, deans and other administrators System leadership is an important motivator In a system, institutions can learn from each other and must share best practices