District and School Parent Advisory Committees Training
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) LCAP describes how each district will: Spend more on services Provide more, or improve services Achieve more ….. …..for unduplicated pupils in proportion to increase in supplemental and concentration grant
A New Way of Thinking The OLD Paradigm focused on INPUT… Program Decisions How much money do we have? What are we allowed to use the money for? How do we comply with state law? What are the audit requirements and penalties? …LCFF is Focused on OUTCOMES… What are our expectations for students? What programs/services are achieving desired results? What are our achievement goals? What must we do to improve conditions of learning, school climate and increase engagement? What can we accomplish in three years? How will we measure our progress? Based on resources available, what actions and activities will we implement next year? PROGRAM DECISIONS
LCAP has 8 Priority Areas 8 State PRIORITY Areas 1. Basic Services 2. Common Core State Standards Implementation 3. Parent Involvement 4. Student Achievement 5. Student Engagement 6. School Climate 7. Course Access 8. Other Student Outcomes
Districts must show… How do expenditures align with the state’s 8 Priority areas and your district goals? How are you engaging parents, teachers and the school community in developing the LCAP? How will you convene and involve required parent advisory committees? DPAC and SPAC: Parents of ELs, low-income & foster youth DELAC and ELAC: Parents of ELs, if at least 50 EL students (and 15%)
School Parent Advisory Committees
SPAC Composition: California Code of Regulations Section 4423 Each participating school district shall establish a district advisory council and shall also establish a school advisory council at each participating school. Advisory councils established pursuant to this article shall comply with the ESEA, Title I, law and regulations pertaining to advisory councils. These councils shall include broad representation of the parent population served by this district or school respectively including socio-economic and ethnic groups represented in the district or school attendance area.
To summarize……for SPACs: Parent members must be elected by parents of pupils participating in a compensatory education program (Title I) Parents must constitute a majority of the membership The committee shall include broad representation of the parent population served by the school including socio- economic and ethnic groups represented in the school attendance area. The school-level plan must contain the certification of the SPAC chairperson in the participation of the Title I planning process. CCR 4423
Role of the SPAC Provide input to the School Site Council regarding the needs of compensatory education students (Title I) and provide advice to the SSC on the school plan (Single Plan for Student Achievement/SPSA) based on the needs of underachieving students. Review and Approve: Title I Requirements Parent Involvement Policy – Development & Distribution Parent Involvement Set Aside School-Parent Compact – Development & Distribution Title I Programs School & Parent Programs Academic Standards & Assessments
District Parent Advisory Committee
DPACComposition DPAC Composition Ed code (a) Whenever a districtwide school advisory committee on compensatory education programs has been established pursuant to a compensatory education plan, the procedures adopted for the selection of the district advisory committee shall specify that parents shall constitute a majority of the membership of the district advisory committee and shall require that the parent representatives be elected by the parents of pupils participating in a program of compensatory education residing in the district.
DPAC Composition Summary: Parent representatives must be elected by parents of pupils participating in a compensatory education program Parents must constitute a majority of the membership The committee shall include broad representation of the parent population served by the district including socio- economic and ethnic groups represented in the district attendance area. The DPAC are members of the SPAC who represent their sites and bring district-level information back to the site meetings.
DPAC Responsibilities The Consolidated Application must contain the certification of the DPAC chairperson in the participation of the Title I planning process. Provide input and feedback on the LCAP