California Stakeholder Group State Performance and Personnel Development Plan Stakeholders January 29-30, 2007 Sacramento, California Radisson Hotel Welcome California Department of Education Special Education Division Mary Hudler, Director Special Education
Original State Improvement Grant (SIG) Overall Purpose Improve outcomes for students with disabilities Ensure adequate supply of qualified personnel with content knowledge and skills Established this group –Partnership Committee on Special Education (PCSE)
How Did We Get Here? What is our History? What has changed? Where are we now? How was I selected? What is my role as a stakeholder? What is our continued work now and in the future? How will that happen?
History: Planning SIG assisted CDE Statewide needs assessment Applied & received federal State Improvement Grant (SIG) –Established Partnership Committee for Special Education (PCSE) (1x yr) –Established PCSE Evaluation subcommittee (2x yr) –TA contractors (4x yr) Provided recommendations on grant priorities/core messages Implemented improvement activities Evaluated activities CDE Conducted general supervision activities. Identified and corrected noncompliance (FAPE in the LRE) Conducted planning activities with a variety of planning participants & processes Used data: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs, monitoring, complaints, Due process, CASEMIS, Other) Conducted annual and periodic processes to review outcomes for accomplishments, effectiveness, used outside evaluators
History: Improvement Activities SIG provided Customized training and technical assistance to LEAs, parent groups, colleges, universities Based on research and tied to SIG core messages School site team focus Statewide Leadership Institute CDE provided Monitoring activities to address emergent needs Corrective actions to be targeted based on data Utilized consultants & contractors for technical assistance Provided Special Education Division (SED) messages, guidance, publications, web casts and other web content, special short term research
What has Changed? Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 required… State Educational Agency (SEA) to provide measures and reports on specific outcomes to the United States Department of Education (USDOE) Established the State Performance Plan (SPP) –Describes how the state will meet these new requirements –Six year plan Established the Annual Performance Report –Describes how the state met those outcomes described in the SPP All state level planning in special education –Tied to the SPP –State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) to IDEA and No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Please Note Stakeholder roles and responsibilities remainsignificant Our work outcomes remain the same –Improve outcomes for students with disabilities –Ensure qualified staff –Continue our required general supervision activities as a state Our work planning strategies are different
Where are we now? As a state we are… Establishing a unified planning and improvement process Shifting the activities of several diverse planning groups that addressed a variety of state needs… –Personnel Development –Accountability –Monitoring Reconstituting the scope and function of the PCSE –Continue our work with required partners –Reduce numbers of meetings
How was I selected? What is my role as a stakeholder? Selection Leadership, knowledge Meet new SPDG grant requirements Diversity of voices –Parents, teachers, administrators, professors, state staff, contracted staff, students Role & Responsibilities Represent your organization Attend bi-annual meetings Understand the SPP/APR Gain information & provide it to others in your organization Provide input and recommendations on specific indicators, SPDG activities
What is our work now? January 2007 Meeting Outcomes Through presentations, work groups and conversations… Learn about the SPP and APR Provide your comments, ask questions, reflect on the SPP/APR submission of February 1, 2007 Have opportunity to clearly understand each of the SPP/APR Indicators and state improvement activities including data Have opportunity to learn from the unified stakeholder group their comments and input Begin new process as a unified stakeholder group Inform the grants writers work in writing the new SPDG (May 2007) Inform our work for the Spring 2007 meeting
What is our work in the future? Spring 2007 Outcomes Through presentations, work groups and conversations… Continue to learn about the SPP and PR Have opportunity to clearly understand each of the SPP/APR Indicators and state improvement activities Begin examination of new data Provide your comments, ask questions, reflect on the future SPP/APR submission of February 1, 2008 Continue our new process as a unified planning stakeholder group about improvement activities Learn about the new SPDG Inform our work for the Fall 2008 meeting
How will that happen? Ideas for now include… Receive written and electronic information for the Spring meeting from CalSTAT –Information and outcome of the January meeting –Grant update –SPP/APR updates –Other information that impacts improvement activities and outcomes for our students –Online input –CDE website –CalSTAT website –Other