Parent Teacher Interviewer Student Activities ParentConnect/StudentConnect Elementary Report Card Teacher Assignments Module (for High Schools & Elementary!!) eFile and Student Images
EMS.900 to take ANY REPORT and pdf it and then potentially …. things like daily attendance report and it to a distribution list …. No lists to teachers What other things do you print and put in their folders???? Using the student eFolder and messaging (F8 in SCH.410) for IEPs, Discipline, and other documentation on students Utilizing discipline for suspensions and then letting our auto- feature of notifying appropriate people work automatically (auto- notify Supt, Principal, Resource Tchr.. DSP.002 **at 7Oaks 3 pages of notifiers for 5 Day suspensions – excellent! ) ** We should manage by position rather than have to identify addresses!
Will the new Postal Rates affect what you send to students and parents??? How can we help? Use of Synrevoice Use of CIMS options (STU.525, ATT.580A) Use of Web Forms Use of eFile (eg: Report Cards) STU.994 Print Student General Letters * ! Added ability to run based on next year line Added option to letters to parents/guardians and/or students Allow PC2 and PC3 letter formats to print guardian 2 and guardian 3 parent connect passwords. PCA, PC2, PC3 and SCA letters only print for those with defined access PC2 and PC3 letters use the appropriate G2 and G3 addresses on the letters
WEB FORMS.. Gotta Get there! (50% of customers using) … Means parents gotta get there STU.328, STU.330, STU.648, STU.649 (NB ones) … STU.558 STU.560 Student Multiple Web Forms Response Report New report for a course, class and/or homeroom of students and their responses to up to 8 web forms in a “grid” format STU.760 defines formats for the prompt selection and the ZTC format is used in AC and TC for teachers to run a predefined format Enhancements to AC and TC Within a student new tab Web Form report(s) available to teacher to be able to participate in its collection/knowledge Date: 4/25/ WACHOVIA SECONDARY SCHOOL Time: 11:43:33 CLASS LIST - 08 Student Cl EMERG FORM1 FORM2 SDCA S CON S PIC AFINOGENOV, A.J. 08 NO YES... YES.. AFINOGENOV, ADRIANNA D. 08 NO.. YES.... BARNES, GAVIN
STU.240 – Understanding Teacher Setup What does the 2 nd Employee# do? The address automatically update for you if tied to a specific employee (based on first employee#) Difference between Y and E and N for ‘ParentConnect Messaging’ … Y means any with attachments will NOT be received! Include in ‘Admin Group’ what does that mean? Newest parameter to ‘Exclude from PTI’ Teacher Connect passwords.>>>>>> IMPORTANT >>>>>>>. Have some schools where all teachers have the same password.. YIKES!!!! Your thoughts on enforcing password changes … what chaos could this cause in your opinion?
STU.559 – What students are using Student Connect STU.557 – What Parents are using Parent Connect STU.190/290 – Audit plus answering great questions like – What have parents updated? What address changes have other schools made on my students (Family)? STU.556 – What images are being added/viewed, e.g.: Are resource looking at the IEP’s? STU Use ‘A’dd Donna Donna … to temporarily provide yourself access to Parent Connect without being them!
ATT.555 – Fantastic opportunity for analyzing absences multi-year, age, grade, day of week **sample att555 in excel ATT.520 – True wickedly accurate attendance by teacher and/or by course/subject Peak enrollment report SCH Look at the course enrolled total numbers each day (new adds/drops) of a month to assess whether things ever got out of hand! ATT.894 – shows percentages per month or per grade level but how about homeroom? Looking to enhance ATT.597 – percentage absences per homeroom
SCH.441 – Online New OTT (out of Timetable) district group EXCELLENT for students and for other reporting.. Donna covers in 1pm session SCH.410 Course Requests Manitoba: Corrected grad profile so that if a student transfers from French Immersion to English that any existing Francais credits are treated as elective/optional courses SCH.590 Print Course Request Worksheets/Verification **SuperNice Reformatted for cleaner layout; uses LTRxxx overlay for headings Removed default PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE message Added tag select Reminder: Your admin MUST utilize SCHEDDETMB spreadsheet at Scheduling Time - cannot really live without it Reminder: New colour coded scheduling spreadsheet – SUPER FANTASTIC
GRD.555 Grading analysis and pivot table report GRD.590/GRD.592 – excellent columnar report of marks per student and subject … even useful at higher grade levels GRD.573 BC Grad Requirement Status Report Added option to print scheduled course requests from other schools (DL and Alternate) to factor in courses the students are taking but haven’t completed as DL/ALT schools don’t build TRAX until completion of course GRE.705 List of Courses Not Defined for Elem Rep Card New report that gives a list of master schedule courses not defined with learning outcomes for the specified elementary report card
SGH.430 Student Assessment/Payment Maintenance If assessment date is after today then IF line is paid then assume assessment as paid date and NOT today’s date. If assessment date is on/before today then payment date is today’s date SGH.526 Student Statement Print If balance owing is less than zero (credit) then change “title” to BALANCE DUE TO STUDENT vs normal STUDENT BALANCE DUE Next Session … will talk about ecommerce for Assessment/Payment … Hmmm
Very little usage and we do wonder … Why? Schools that utilize comment More books are returned Excellent perception of inventorying, tracking, caring about their books Great resource to know what schools have what books to trade They collect more money … O/S books had gotten upwards over $50K Yes initial investment of time is significant Yes in order to be successful it means not allowing an open door to your bookroom
% Student Fees TextbooksParent- Teacher Intrvws Report Cards DisciplineE- folders Bus Routing Grade Book Web Forms Bulletin Board Parent Connect 50+ Active SD DELTA YES SD SD YES SDML 100 N/A S OAKS YES % based on number of regular schools using not including DL, Alternate or Continuing Education