An instructional framework guiding teachers to make certain decisions which support alignment with instructional shifts and demands of the Common Core.


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Presentation transcript:

An instructional framework guiding teachers to make certain decisions which support alignment with instructional shifts and demands of the Common Core. - Lee Kappes ESD - Seattle, Washington Introduction to LDC June 24, 2014 Day 2 1

Reconnecting Conversations: Partner Discussions As you reflected on yesterday’s session, what is one positive thought you have? 2

Reconnecting Conversations: Responses to Yesterday’s Exit Slips 3

Questions 4




Revisit Section 1: What Task? 8

Section 2: What Skills? 9

What Skills Do Students Need? Were the achievements and growth of the Industrial Revolution Era worth the cost to society? After reading secondary and primary sources pertaining to the British Industrial Revolution, write an argumentation essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. 10

Deconstruct the teaching task into skill clusters Preparing for the Task The Reading Process Transition to Writing Process 11

Skill Cluster 2: Reading Process (Grade 5) -Skills are from ELA and content specific grade level standards. -Definition (ability to….) creates instructional clarity. -Specific skills guide teacher in planning instruction.. Each skill cluster is broken into specific skills which helps guides teacher in planning instruction. 12

Section 3: What Instruction? 13

pacing skill prompt and product scoring guide instructional strategies What Instruction? What Instruction? - Section 3 - The instruction for each skill is called the “mini-task”. - Each mini-task is organized into a formative teaching and learning cycle. 14

High Leverage Instructional Strategies Deconstructing the Teaching Task Translating the Rubric 15

Skill Cluster 1: Preparing for the Task Recommended Strategy: Deconstruct the Teaching Task What are the features of an ideal mixed economy? After reading informational texts, editorials, and an interactive infographic write an essay for the school newspaper that compares the characteristics of market and command economies and argues what combination of characteristics would be most effective for the United States today. Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. 16

Skill Cluster 1: Preparing for the Task Recommended Strategy: Translate the Rubric What are the features of an ideal mixed economy? After reading informational texts, editorials, and an interactive infographic write an essay for the school newspaper that compares the characteristics of market and command economies and argues what combination of characteristics would be most effective for the United States today. Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. -Divide class into 7 groups -Each group is assigned an element -Group rewrites their element in student-friendly terms within the context of the teaching task -Class does a Gallery Walk and takes notes on expectations of each element 17

Rubric Elements within the Context of the Teaching Task Focus – Addresses key aspects of prompt in a detailed response; stays on task My essay will compare the features of market and command economies. I will make a claim about the characteristics of each which should be included in the creation of the most beneficial mixed economy for the United States now. My essay will include the evidence to prove my reasoning. 18

CoreTools – Mini Tasks 19

Work Session Reminder: The components of the mini task need to be aligned/purposefully connected. This means the skill and definition you've listed should guide your choice of the daily prompt, product and the instructional strategies used to teach that skill. Mini-Task Check In… Skills Ladder Check In… Reminder: Be sure to refer to your specific grade level Common Core Standards when defining the skills. 20

Lunch 21

What Results? What Results? – Section 4 Scoring Student Work with the LDC Rubric Can be used to score holistically or analytically 2 rubrics – Informative/explanatory & Argumentative 7 Scoring Elements: Focus Controlling Idea Reading/Research Development Organization Conventions Content Understanding 22

LDC Rubrics – Scoring v. Grading The LDC rubric… provides feedback to students and teachers helps students know expectations prior to completing the task lets students know their strengths and goals helps teachers gauge the effectiveness of their instructional choices 23

Text Complexity Quantitative Measures Qualitative Characteristics Considerations of Readers and Task 24

Quantitative Dimensions …refer to those aspects of text complexity, such as word length or frequency, sentence length, and text cohesion, that are difficult … for a human reader to evaluate efficiently… and are thus today typically measured by computer software 25

Qualitative Characteristics …refer to those aspects of text complexity best measured or only measurable by an attentive human reader, such as levels of meaning or purpose; structure; language conventionality and clarity; and knowledge demands. -Levels of Meaning (literary texts) or Purpose (informational texts) -Structure -Language Conventionality and Clarity -Knowledge Demands: Life Experiences (literary texts) -Knowledge Demands: Cultural/Literary Knowledge (literary texts) -Knowledge Demands: Content/Discipline Knowledge (informational texts) 26

Matching Reader and Task …variables specific to particular readers (such as motivation, knowledge, and experiences) and to particular tasks (such as purpose and the complexity of the task assigned and the questions posed) must also be considered… Such assessments are best made by teachers employing their professional judgment, experience, and knowledge of their students and the subject. 27

Qualitative Features of Text How will this information inform our instruction? 28

Text Complexity Read page one of The Book Thief excerpt Lexile Level = 730L 2 nd -3 rd Grade Recommended Lexile Levels = th -5 th Grade Recommended Lexile Levels = What are the qualitative features noted? 29

Example - The Book Thief 30

Quantitative Analysis 730 Lexile Qualitative Analysis Meaning - Complex Text Structure - Complex Language Features – Complex Knowledge Demands – Somewhat Complex The Book Thief The Book Thief would probably be most appropriate in middle school. Specifically 7 th -8 th grade Less mature readers could definitely read and understand pieces of, but a more sophisticated read does it more justice. 31

Knowing the Complexity of the Texts… … leads to more intentional decision making about instruction! 32

How does LDC look and sound? Teaching Task - highlighted daily Gradual Release of Responsibility Students empowered and held accountable as learners Instruction and facilitation High level of engagement Daily oral and written discourse Active reading Academic writing Formative Assessment Academic Behaviors Goal setting and reflection by students 33

What is special about the LDC strategy? Aligns with Common Core StandardsDistributes responsibility for teaching reading and writingMakes tasks central – teaching tasks and mini tasksConnects reading and writing instruction with contentFosters a formative teaching and learning systemEncourages creativity and local choiceSupports effective teaching 34

Take-Aways… Reflecting on the conversations about LDC: Create a Top 5 List Give One – Get One 35

LDC Website 36

Work Session 37

BETA CoreTools June 30 th release date 38

Browse Mini Tasks 39

Questions and Answers Exit Slip 40

Feel free to be in touch… Kathy - Jody – 41


Collegial Sharing of Best Practices Give One – Get One Quick Write – Instructional Strategy for: Preparing for the Task Developing Vocabulary Active Reading and Note-Taking Bridging Conversation from Reading to Writing Writing, Planning and Development Revision and Editing Alignment between all components is critical! Creates an opportunity for a formative cycle! 43