Welcome to 1 st Grade Mrs. Mecucci and Mrs. Ray
Back to School Night Agenda Introductions Schedule 1st Grade Responsibilities/Behavior Plan S.A.F.A.R.I Binders/ Weekly Newsletter Homework Classroom Website Grading Scale Wish list Volunteers Word Club Buddy Book Bags Water/Snack Birthday Celebration Policy Parent Pick Up General Questions and/ or Concerns
TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:45 – 9:10 9:10-9:30 Learner Attribute Reading Foundation Skills Learner Attribute Reading Foundation Skills Learner Attribute Reading Foundation Skills Learner Attribute Reading Foundation Skills Learner Attribute Reading Foundation SKills 9:30-9:45 Reading Instruction · Comprehension Strategy Reading Instruction · Comprehension Strategy Reading Instruction · Comprehension Strategy Reading Instruction · Comprehension Strategy Reading Instruction · Comprehension Strategy 9:45 – 10:30 Reading Groups Reading Groups Reading Groups Reading Groups Reading Groups 10:30 –10:50Recess 10:50 – 11:30 Reading Groups Continued Reading Groups Continued Reading Groups Continued Reading Groups Continued Reading Groups Continued 11:30 -12:15 Lunch 12:15– 12:45 ● ELD/Social Studies/ Science Writing ● ELD/Social Studies/ Science 12:45 – 1:15 Writing · Writing Math · Problem Solving Writing · Writing · 1:15-1:30 Math · Math Talk/Centers Math · Math Talk/Centers Math · Problem Solving Continued Math · Math Talk/Centers Math · Math Talk/Centers 1:30- 2:20 2:20-3:10 PE Math Fine Art Technology Early Dismissal PE Spanish Math Library
First Grade Responsibilities Classroom Rules -Live the Dragon Way 1. Do your best. 2. Make good choices. 3. Be respectful. Rewards for Following Classroom Rules 1. Weekly Treasure Chest 2. Friday/ Class Store 3. Safari Suitcase 4. IB Attribute Chair 5. Verbal Praises/ Notes home/Call home 6. Class Parties Rewards/Consequences Blue – Out of this World Day = 10¢ Pink - Excellent Day = 5¢ Green – Great Day = 1 Yellow - Warning Orange - Call Home Red- Meeting with Principal/Vice Principal In Room 20, the Classroom Behavior Plan is as follows:
S.A.F.A.R.I. Binder Tonight you will be reviewing your child’s S.A.F.A.R.I (Students and Families are Responsible and Informed). This binder is a very important tool we use in our classroom. This binder must come to school with your child everyday! There are 6 sections in the S.A.F.A.R.I binder: 1. Money Pouch 2. Homework/Weekly Newsletter 3. Word Club 4. Reading AR Log 5. Resources 6. Goals
Homework The students are assigned nightly homework which is due on Friday each week. Homework is additional practice of concepts students should have already been taught in the classroom. Weekly homework can consist of reading, word club, math, phonics, and occasionally some International Baccalaureate projects. It is important that students read for at least 15 – 20 minutes each night. Homework is posted weekly on our class website in case your child forgets to bring home their SAFARI binder!
Classroom Website Our classroom website contains important information about our class. Our website is is located on the Alvin Dunn website under classrooms. Please click on Ray/Mecucci and you will be able to view Room 20’s website.
Grading Scale The report card uses a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale to represent your child’s academic growth scores. This scale directly correlates with the state standards. The growth scores are as follows: 4 = Advance/Working Beyond Grade Level Standard\ 3 = Proficient/Achieving Grade Level Standards 2 = Basic/Progressing towards Grade Level Standards 1 = Below Basic/Working below Grade Level Standards Behavior scores are as follows: E = Excellent S= Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U= Unsatisfactory
Wish List Our classroom wish list is posted on our white board. Please select a monkey from the palm tree on the board if you would like to donate an item or items. All donations are greatly appreciated!
Volunteers We feel that it is very important to have parent volunteers in our first grade classroom. We have placed a help wanted list on the board for parents who desire to sign up tonight. Every parent is a key player in the success of our learning environment!
Word Club Each week your student will be tested on reading the first grade sight words. The first grade sight word club is posted on our website. Students will bring home a sheet regarding the words they need to practice reading. Please refer to the Word Club Packet contained in your child’s SAFARI binder.
Buddy Book Bags Your student will receive a Buddy Book Bag containing reading books each Monday. Inside the Buddy Book Bag are reading books for your child to read to you at their independent reading level. Your child should be reading and re-reading these books to you each night. Please ask your child the comprehension questions that are provided and complete the Weekly Reading Log every day. Students will be taking Accelerated Reader Quizzes on the books they have read. The Buddy Book Bag is to be returned on Fridays and your student will receive new books each Monday.
Water/Snack Your student will be excused to go to the water fountain when necessary. Please make sure your child brings a healthy snack for recess each day.
Birthday Celebration Policy We make a birthday hat and a birthday book for each child in the classroom on their special day. The State of California has issued a new policy on the types of food being served in school and we are not allowed to serve products containing sugar to students. Let’s celebrate!
I.B. Learner Attribute Chair This year your child will have the opportunity to sit in the “I.B. Learner Profile Attribute Chair”! Everyday a new student will be selected to sit in the I.B. Learner Profile Attribute Chair when they have exhibited one of the attitudes or skills of International Baccalaureate Learner Profile Attribute of the Unit we are working on. Students will bring home an award to share with you when they have been selected to sit in the chair.
●Students will earn a Principal Signature if they have perfect attendance for the month. ●Students will earn an extra recess if they have one or no tardies for the whole trimester. ****It is very important your son/daughter is here on time everyday unless sick. Please notify the office if your son/daughter is sick. Attendance
Parent Pick - Up Please inform us of any changes to the way your child will be picked up after school. Students often become confused and do not remember what you tell them at home. You can simply leave us a phone message or leave us a note in their SAFARI binder about changes that may occur.
General Questions or Concerns? Thank you for attending Room 20’s Back to School Presentation! Please feel free to us at anytime or call us and we will be happy to answer any questions or address concerns that you have! Shannon Mecucci : Heidi Ray: xt. 3020