Three Goals For Newsletter -Build a rapport with families Introduce myself Stay in contact throughout the school year - Keep families informed Let families know what is going on in the classroom Assignments, homework, and so they can stay connected to what is happening in the classroom - Get families involved In the classroom and in school wide activities Mystery reader, scientist of the week, spring party & Easter egg hunt, field day, STEM Night, book fair, school garden, and community based activities - caring for the garden during the summer so it can be enjoyed all year long, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
Look What We’ve Learned! We finished our units of study on telling-time and spring. Practice telling-time with your child up to the hour and look for signs of spring over the spring break. Continue to practice counting coins (pennies, nickels, and dime combinations). A BIG thank you to all the parents who helped us with our spring party and Easter egg hunt! You can contact me at school between 2-4 PM or you can me anytime at Upcoming Units Of Study After spring break we will begin our unit of study on fractions and living & nonliving things. This is a great opportunity to get your child to help you in the kitchen and practice their fractions while helping you cook. Be sure to ask your child about our new class pet, Myrtle. – Myrtle will help us to begin our unit of study on living things. April’s News Read Nightly Baker’s Elementary 2100 Academy Street Kindergarten 100 H Congratulations To Our Star Students Alex and Charlotte
Calling all parents and budding authors and illustrators -Sign up to be a mystery reader and a scientist of the week in our classroom -We have been practicing writing in class and are putting together a class book and need your budding writers work -This is a great opportunity for you to work with your child on writing and an opportunity for you to see how they grow in the process -The topic is Your World And Spring -We are going to also use two of the students drawing on the front & back cover – We will be making additional books so everyone’s work will be used Upcoming Events -Come out and help us plant some plants and get your hands dirty in our school garden April 16 th 12:45-1:15 -Join us for a fun filled day of filed day activities and cheer your child on to the finish line April 17 th – Opening Ceremonies at 8AM -STEM Night – Come join us for a fun night of problem solving and building with your child April 30 th 7:00-8:30 -Sign up sheets attached A lil moore from the crew Happy Birthday Nick April 5th
On behalf of our local Boy Scout troop. They are in need of canned goods to help their efforts to support Carrot Toss which is a program that helps feed and shelter the homeless at local churches throughout our area We are also asking for your help on behalf of our local Girl Scout troop. They are asking for us to donate a box of Girl Scout cookies to the United Service Organization (USO). Each box of cookies costs $4 and the girls earn a badge for their community service. Both organizations are in need of volunteers to help with these events Contact Peggy Todd at Homework Helper Your Community Needs You! – letter sounds & reading activities – telling time activities – counting coin activities Book Fair April 27 th - May 1st
Calling All Parents Parents come in every Friday after lunch to read to the class and we would love for you to sign up to be a mystery reader in our class. I would love to sign up to be a mystery reader and the dates I have available are ___________________________________. I am unable to be a mystery reader at this time, but I would love to have an opportunity to participate in my child’s class another time. To go along with our scientific investigation study, we are in need of families to help their child to come up with a simple science experiment at home and then assist them present it to the class. This is a great way to get your child interested in science and a great opportunity for you to see all of the exciting things we are learning. You can find lots of fun and kid friendly websites. If you need any help finding an experiment or suggestions please do not hesitate We do our science unit of study from 1:15 to 2:00, and we do our experiments every Friday. However, if there is a day that works better for your schedule, we would still love to have you and your child present. Please me at with the dates that works best for you and your family.