PowerShell for Data Professionals PowerShell 2.0 brings a lot of functionality to help you automate interaction with you servers. 2.0 itself brings a script editor that was missing. Apparently ripped off from VS 2010 * (in a good way)
Why PowerShell PowerShell bring one huge thing to the table (for me): The Pipeline Technically the whole ‘relies on the.Net Framework’ thing is pretty big too but for me… The second biggest thing is the insainely generous community
PowerShell Bolt-Ons In addition to the out of the box PowerShell features there are some ‘expansion packs’ in the form of Snap-Ins. The Snap-Ins for SQL Server are SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 SqlServerProviderSnapin100
PowerShell Has Friends Here is just a short list of a few products Idera’s PowerShell Plus Quest’s PowerGui.org Saipien’s Primal Script
ApplicationVersionCmdletsProvider Managem ent GUI Yes 2008Yes No 2008Yes No YesNo 2007Yes 2007YesNo 2007Yes No No 1.033No List obtained from Wikipedia
IBM WebSphere MQ [39] No Quest Management Shell for Active Directory [40] 1.140No Special Operations Software Specops Command [41] [41] 1.0YesNoYes VMware Infrastructure Toolkit [42] No Internet Information Services [43] 7.054YesNo Ensim Unify Enterprise Edition [44] 1.6YesNoYes Windows 7 Windows 7 Troubleshooting Center [45] [45] 6.1YesNoYes Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010YesNo
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Books! Best book on using PowerShell for SQL Great but no chapters directly on SQL
More Books Surprisingly Helpful Excellent but skip to chapter 7 (2 nd Edition) Buy this today!