1 Office Ergonomics Presented by: [name]
2 What is “Ergonomics” ? Greek Term for the“Laws of Work.” The Science of Matching the Work to the Worker.
3 Risk Factors for Injury in an Office Environment Poor or Awkward Postures Repetition of tasks or sustained postures Application of Force
4 Proper Posture
5 Proper Posture -Computer Forearms Parallel to the Floor Wrists in Straight Line Head Upright Over Shoulders in a Relaxed Position Eyes Looking Slightly Downward
6 Proper Posture - Computer Back Rest Supporting lower back Thighs Parallel with Floor, 90 to 110 degree angle at the hips Feet Fully Supported - Floor or Footrest
7 Get to know your chair... Do you know how to adjust your chair?
8 Computer Monitor Monitor Height:Top line of text at eye level Viewing Distance:Arm-length distance Bifocal Users:Lower monitor & tilt screen slightly upwards – watch for glare on screen
9 Keyboard Proper Height – Keep wrists straight Adjust keyboard surface OR raise/lower the chair height. Adjust angle Palm support
10 Mouse Keep wrists straight & shoulders relaxed Same Height as Keyboard Adjacent to Keyboard Use Full Arm Motion Relax Hand
11 Document Documents placed flat on desk Document Holder Data Entry Alternate document holders/devices
12 Organization of Work Area
13 Organization of Work Area Primary Work Zone: Usual work area Frequently used items – place in semicircle Secondary Work Zone: Occasional use Occasionally used items or those used for short periods of time
14 Telephone Close Right or Left Headset or Speaker Phone
15 Steps to Reduce Risk for Injury Proper Posture Ergonomics, Proper Body Mechanics
16 Proper Lifting Technique
17 Proper Lifting Technique Plan your lift and test the load Ask for help Get a firm footing Tighten your stomach muscles Lift with your legs Keep the load close Keep your back upright Pivot your feet to avoid twisting
18 Steps to Reduce Risk for Injury Reduce Repetition Organization of Job Tasks, Stretching Organization of Job Tasks, Stretching
19 Organization of Job Tasks Change of Posture – Postural Rest faxing, filing, delivering messages, central printer Short Stretch Breaks Job Rotation
20 Stretching
21 Steps to Reduce Risk for Injury Reduction of Force Equipment to reduce force: Stapler Two-hole or Three-hole punch Click & Drag function Stress – keypad
22 Practice Healthy Lifestyle Habits! Steps to Reduce Risk for Injury