Centre for Applied Linguistics School through the eyes of a parent.


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Presentation transcript:

Centre for Applied Linguistics School through the eyes of a parent

Centre for Applied Linguistics What is the role of parents in school education? Supervisor Mediator Participant Co-ordinator Helper Observer Sponsor Homework Discipline Inspector

Centre for Applied Linguistics Who are the stakeholders? Student Teacher Parents/carers

Centre for Applied Linguistics School through the eyes of a parent CONTENTS Home-school agreements Parents’ evening Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) Teaching assistants (TAs) Parent/Classroom Helpers School governors Barriers to parental involvement Recent research

Centre for Applied Linguistics Home-School Agreement A home-school agreement is a statement explaining: the school’s aims and values the school’s responsibilities towards its pupils the responsibility of each pupil’s parents what the school expects of its pupils.

Centre for Applied Linguistics Home-School Agreement Example of a Mission Statement We wish to create a culture of learning, where children are happy, enthusiastic, motivated and ambitious. We encourage mutual respect, support and collaboration between all adults and children, both within the school and the wider community.

Centre for Applied Linguistics Home-School Agreement The school will... The parents/carers will … The student will …

Centre for Applied Linguistics Home-School Agreement Together we will: Value one another as partners with our children. Listen to and support each other in our aim to provide the best education for our children.

Centre for Applied Linguistics Parents’ Evening Student Teacher Parents/carers

Centre for Applied Linguistics Parents’ Evening What are the aims of: the student? the teacher? the parents/carers?

Centre for Applied Linguistics 10 questions parents ask at Parents’ Evening 1. Is my child happy at school? This means on an emotional and social basis. 2. What is my child’s attitude to learning? 3. Can he/she make friends easily? 4. Does he/she contribute to class discussions? 5. What does my child enjoy doing? 6. What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses? 7. How can I help at home? 8. Is he/she at the expected level for his/her age group? 9. For older children ask about any outstanding work and when school exams are. 10. How much homework should my child be getting?

Centre for Applied Linguistics How to prepare for parents' evening Organisation is key - make sure you have your information ready and to hand. Start each appointment with a clear agenda. Make sure you know who is available to address questions beyond your remit. Avoid education jargon. Start and end on a positive note. Do not promise what you cannot deliver. 24/05/2010 TES Magazine

Centre for Applied Linguistics Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) The aim of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) is to foster better relationships between parents and their children's schools. PTAs create a partnership which helps the school listen to and deal with parents' concerns; and for parents to learn more about the school and how to improve their children's education.

Centre for Applied Linguistics What is a teaching assistant? A teaching assistant (TA) works alongside a class teacher. He or she might work one-to-one with individual pupils or with a small group. TAs mainly work with pupils within the classroom, but sometimes they take children to an adjoining area or room - where they might listen to children reading or carry out another activity, such as a booster session for pupils struggling with a particular subject.

Centre for Applied Linguistics The role of Parent/Classroom Helpers Classroom helpers usually commit to spending regular slots of time in school each week. This time can vary from half an hour to half a day at most. Many schools prefer not to put a parent in their child’s class Classroom helpers make a big difference in improving standards.

Centre for Applied Linguistics The role of Parent/Classroom Helpers Before a parent can work in a school, he/she needs to have a police background check – carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).

Centre for Applied Linguistics The role of a School Governor School governors are volunteers who help to run the school in a 'governing body'. They help make decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline. Governors also support headteachers, but also ask questions and make sure the headteacher is taking the school in the right direction.

Centre for Applied Linguistics Barriers to parental involvement What might prevent a parent becoming involved in their child’s school life?

Centre for Applied Linguistics Barriers to parental involvement What might prevent a parent becoming involved in their child’s school life? Lack of time Negative consequences for child Parental attitudes School not welcoming enough School not aware of different backgrounds

Centre for Applied Linguistics Recent Research In the early years, parental involvement has a significant impact on children’s cognitive development and literacy and number skills Parental involvement in a child’s schooling for a child between the ages of 7 and 16 is a more powerful force than family background, size of family and level of parental education Parental involvement has a significant effect on pupil achievement throughout the years of schooling Educational failure is increased by lack of parental interest in Schooling Most parents believe that the responsibility for their child’s education is shared between parents and the school Many parents want to be involved in their children’s education. In a recent study in England 72% of parents said that they wanted more involvement

Centre for Applied Linguistics Conclusion Parental involvement in school can be a very positive factor in a child’s education but it must be based on a shared understanding of different perspectives, with the child’s interest at the centre