Classification of Vertebrates By: Leopoldo de Guzman, Rose Nocillas and Jo Ann Sabugo
Free powerpoint template: 2 Objectives: To introduce what a vertebrate is. To identify vertebrates and classify them. To learn the 5 groups in which vertebrates are divided and their main characteristics. To value the respect for the animals.
Target Audience Primary 5 Free powerpoint template: 3
Time Frame 1 st Session – Brief oral introduction about what a vertebrate is. 2 nd Session – The student will make a poster with the information, pictures, and drawing and prepares some information. 3 rd Session - Every group explains to the rest of the class what they have found. And each member of the group must present an animals in which they can classify and describe. 4 th Session - Teacher gives out to each student the vertebrate definitions, a grid with the names of the groups of vertebrates and some pictures and photographs relatives to these groups. Free powerpoint template: 4
Learning Outcomes Define what a vertebrate is. Recognize and classify the classification of vertebrates. Be respectful with animals. Free powerpoint template: 5
What is Vertebrates? They are animals with backbones. Free powerpoint template: 6
The 5 Classification of Vertebrates Free powerpoint template: 7 AmphibiansBirdsFishesMammalsReptiles
Instructions Free powerpoint template: 8
The teacher will give a brief introduction about vertebrates. Then the teacher will divide the pupils into 5 groups with 5 pupils each. The children are instructed to look for information about the different classification of vertebrates and its main characteristics. Free powerpoint template: 9 First instruction
Guide Questions: How are ____________? (physical description) Where do _________live and how do they move? What do ___________eat? How do __________ reproduce? How do __________ breathe? Then the teacher will collect the information gathered by the pupils. Free powerpoint template: 10
Second Instruction Then the teacher will tell the pupils to prepare/draw a colorful and eye-catching picture with a short information about the animals. The idea is to hang the picture in the wall so they can review the information on it Free powerpoint template: 11
Third Instruction Lastly, the teacher will create a short performance in order to show to the class what they had found out about their topics, explaining clearly the main characteristics of their topic. Then each one from the group has to perform an example animals and the telling about its particular characteristics And showing the rest of the class how to value and respect animals. Free powerpoint template: 12
Rubrics Incomplete (1) Not so Good (2) Good (3) Excellent (4) Mark Poster The poster isn’t colorful enough. And the informations are enough and clear The postersisn � t colourful enough. And there is a few information. The poster is quite colourful. And it provides some information about the topic. The poster is very colourful and eye- catching. And it tackles on the main information about the topic. Performance The performance is inanimate. There is not enough information presented. The performance is made by the whole group, but only a few important information is presented. The performance is quite animate. Main aspects are nearly covered and all the group performs the act quite well. The performance is very lively. The group acts as a whole and is perceived as a group. The information is clear and it covers everything Individual Presentation The student makes his / her performance with a indifferent attitude. There is not enough information The student makes his/ her performance. There is a few information performed The student shows a quite positive attitude. He or she has found out enough information and make his / her speech quite well. The student shows a positive attitude and enthusiasm during the performance. He or she has found out the information required and make his / her speech clear.. Free powerpoint template: 13