ACTION-PACKED | A variety of photo presentations creates a dynamic spread packed with coverage.
STUDENT-FOCUSED | Quotes from 14 students are featured along the top of this spread.
WHOLE-BOOK LINK | In all, 18 students are featured on a quote bar running along the top of the spread.
Many factors impact coverage. One key to producing a relevant yearbook is the staff.
Featuring each student at least twice three times is critical. Two delivery options offer year-round coverage potential.
The story of the year focuses on traditional content areas. Content is best organized in sections.
The ladder display page content, color and deadlines. The ladder diagram shows page confirgurations. Content can be presented in a variety of options.
The ladder diagram is organized by spreads, MULTIPLES and SIGNATURES. LADDER DIAGRAM | Used to identify content, record deadlines, plan color pages and track pages.
STUDENT LIFE | Covers teen life in and out of school. This spread reports on how technology impacts students.
ACADEMICS | Covers learning in and out of the classroom. This spread reports on science laboratories.
SPORTS: Covers team competition and other student athletic activities. The spread reports on volleyball.
ORGANIZATIONS | Covers the activities of school groups. The spread reports on several groups.
PEOPLE | Covers people by providing a visual record of students/staff. This spread reports on nicknames.
ADVERTISING | Dictated by budget and policy, this section might include business and recognition advertisements.
INDEX | A listing of all students and topics appearing in the yearbook. Content is often included as well.