Miss West’s Class Rootstown Elementary Open House August 27, 2012
Meet the Teacher Graduated from Rootstown and have lived here my entire life Received my undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education from Kent State – Reading Endorsement – 4 th and 5 th Grade Endorsement Enjoy reading, baking, and decorating
Classroom Rules In Our Class We…In Our Class We Do Not… Help OthersShow disrespect ParticipateGet out of our seats without permission Share great ideasForget our homework Work hardInterrupt Work well with othersSay or do unkind things
Behavior Management We will be using ClassDojo this year to track behaviors. It is an online system that works with our class IPad. Students will get positive points for following class rules and, consequently, points deducted for not following rules. It allows students (and parents) to see exact behaviors that need to be corrected. Reports will be sent home to parents each week to discuss with their child. Positive rewards such as sitting by a friend and homework passes will be given for reaching individual goals and whole class rewards will be given for class goals achieved. It is similar to the card or clip system, but provides more meaningful feedback. ClassDojoClassDojo
Reading This year in reading we will be participating in: Guided reading Deeper use of comprehension strategies and vocabulary knowledge Daily 5– Builds independence and enjoyment in reading. – Working with Words – Read to Someone – Listen to Reading – Read to Self – Work on Writing Accelerated Reader- expected to meet each nine week’s goal and complete reading log Monday-Thursday nights
Math This year in math we will learn: Place value to the hundreds place Telling time to the nearest minute Elapsed time Adding mixed coins Identifying fractions based on pictures Two-digit and three-digit addition and subtraction Simple Solutions– Homework nightly and quizzes on Friday Math text- Tests when chapter is finished
Writing This year in writing we will: Complete genre studies in writing- personal narratives, poetry, nonfiction forms of writing Writer’s Workshop Simple Solutions Grammar- completed in class and quizzes on Thursday
Daily Schedule 8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting/ Calendar 9:00-10:15 Literacy Block –Daily 5/ Guided Reading/ Writer’s Workshop 10:15-11:20 Math 11:20-11:50 Lunch 11:50-12:10 Recess 12:10-1:00 Core/Enrichment 1:00- 2:00 Science (with me)/Social Studies(with Mrs. Burrell) 2:00-2:45 Specials 2:45-2:55 Pack up/ Dismissal
Special Classes Students will visit four different special classes each week. The special class they have on Monday repeats on Friday. Specials rotate which means that rarely schedules are the same two weeks in a row. Day One: Day Two: Day Three: Day Four: * On P.E. days please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately. On library days please make sure your child brings his or her books back.
Homework Students are to bring back completed Simple Solutions Math homework each day. Students will have a lesson to complete each night Monday-Thursday. Reading logs will also be collected on Fridays. Children are expected to read 20 minutes each night (M-Th) and have an adult sign the reading log. There should be four signatures each week. Other at home projects may be required throughout the school year, but families will receive notice well in advance of these projects.
Grading Grades in 2 nd grade are not equivalent to the traditional form of grades parents are used to. We use a standards based report card that allows parents to see how their child is progressing toward mastering standards for 2 nd grade. I use many assessments to see how students are progressing towards mastery. Our system is as follows: 4: Beyond mastery, working at above grade level (not an A) 3: Mastery of second grade standard, goal for end of the year 2: Progressing towards mastery 1: Working below grade level Points are assigned to tests and quizzes. These are just to show parents, and me, which areas and topics students need more assistance with. Often rubrics are used as a form of grading for writing and projects.
Parent Involvement Parents are always needed to help in the classroom! A sign-up sheet is in the hallway for weekly volunteers, as well as party volunteers. There are many ways to help in the classroom and outside of the class. Please sign up if you are interested! *One way all parents can help– Read with your child at home! This is very important for academic success.*
Stay Connected! Newsletters will be sent home every Monday. Check your child’s folder. My Office number to get in contact with me: (330) Best time to call me at school: 2:00-2:45 or before or after school
Welcome to a great year in 2 nd Grade!