Presentation to the Parents and Students of the Class of 2018 April 29, 2014
Robert Webb; Principal Brittenie Polk; Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Emily Beaver; Counselor Trish Spikes; Counselor Rachael McClain; Graduation Coach
1 st period8:00-8:45 2 nd period8:50-9:40 3 rd period9:45-10:30 4 th period10:35-11:20 5 th period11:25-12:10 Tiger Period12:15-12:35 *Lunch12:35-1:15 6 th period1:20-2:05 7 th period2:10-2:55 8 th period3:00-3:45 *Lunch may be purchased in the Cafeteria. Students may also leave campus for lunch... but be careful that you are not tardy for 6 th period.
Registration will take place Thursday and Friday during Social Studies classes. Schedule changes may be requested by a visit to the counseling office at Snyder High before the first day of school next fall. Requests will be considered but not necessarily granted.
Semester 1Semester 2 English IEnglish I Alg I or GeometryAlg I or Geometry IPCIPC Education 1300 SpeechEndorsement Elective Elective/Foreign LangElective / Foreign LangPE or AthleticsFine Art
SubjectFoundation + Endorsement Distinguished English44 Math44 Science44 Social Studies33 Academic Elective 0Alg 2 Foreign Language 22 Health.5.5 EDUC PE11 Fine Arts11 Speech.5.5 ROAR.5.5 Elective Courses 55 Total Credits2626
Students, watch your absences. You are not allowed more than 3 unexcused absences per semester. You must be in class at least 90% of the time in order to receive credit. This includes excused absences. In high school, missing one class period counts as an absence.
Dual credit courses earn high school and college credit simultaneously. College credit classes allow you to earn college credit while still in high school. These classes are not available to freshmen.
Sophomore5 credits Junior10 credits Senior15 credits *You may proceed to the next grade level classification, but you still have to earn all required credits.
Advanced Placement, Pre-Advanced Placement, and Honors Courses (6 pts.) Regular Education Courses (5 pts.) Basic Courses (4 pts.) ** GPA (Grade Point Average) is determined on a 4.0 scale
Skyward Family Access is available to parents and legal guardians of students. If parents do not already have Skyward Family Access, they may visit the Counseling Office to receive their login and password. Access is gained through the Snyder ISD website:
Sponsored by Student Council Includes a tour of the high school Will be held in August just prior to the beginning of the school year. Watch the Snyder Daily News and the Snyder ISD website & Face book page for exact time and date.
Emily Beaver, Guidance Counselor , ext (Snyder High School)