Algoma Community Consultations: Best Start Hub Model Key Findings to Date
Service Gaps and Barriers to Accessibility Long wait times, especially for assessments and specialized services, e.g. preschool speech and language / children’s mental health services. Difficulties accessing basic health services.
Locating hubs in schools – could be a barrier unless hubs are located in all schools. Lack of awareness among parents about services and supports. Lack of transportation, particularly for families living in remote / rural areas.
Community Input on Hub Model Programs and services provided at or through hubs should be culturally and linguistically sensitive and appropriate. Culturally sensitive and appropriate services are especially important for First Nations. Hub services should be available to families living both on and off reserve.
Community Input on Hub Model Hubs should be centrally located, highly visible and easily accessible: many parents are not aware of programs and services. Hubs should provide “one-stop shopping” for services. Not all 0-6 services must be provided at the hub location, but hubs have to provide access to a range of services and supports through the hub.
Community Input on Hub Model Hubs need to be warm and welcoming, and child and family friendly. They should have a drop-in capacity and include both public and private spaces. Hours of service need to be flexible, i.e. extended hours of service to accommodate parent needs.
Community Input on Hub Model Resources need to be available at hub locations (pamphlets, books, etc.). Many thought that the hub should have a website with information about resources and services available. Hubs will require staff – someone knowledgeable about the community and programs and services.
One of the common concerns being expressed at our community consultation meetings thus far, is the necessity to match services to the needs of the communities.
NORTHERN ALGOMA Hornepayne – November 2 Dubreuilville – November 3 White River – to be rescheduled in December Wawa – November 7
CENTRAL ALGOMA Echo Bay – November 16 St. Joseph Island – November 24 Desbarats – November 21 Bruce Mines – November 28 Thessalon – November 23
EASTERN ALGOMA Iron Bridge – November 29 Blind River – November 8 Elliot Lake – November 9 Spanish – November 15
North Shore Tribal Council – November 10 Michipicoten First Nation – to be scheduled in December First Nation / Aboriginal
The schedule for the community consultations has not been conducted in any particular order, but rather been driven by tight timelines and availability. We anticipate completing all consultations by mid-December.