Media Center Gymnasium Gym Cougar Cafe KK KK Storage Book room Art K MusicAutism 2nd 3rd2nd Stor age EIP 3rd2nd 3rd 1st EIP SpEd OT/Sp Ed SpEd 2nd EIP Math Lab Computer Lab SpEd 4th 5th PrincipalClinic Asst PrincipalFront Office Mail room K-2 Counse ling Spee ch 3-5 Counse ling Conf. Roo m Workstation Network Printer Keheley Elementary School Grades K-5 Switch MDF All switches are 7 port data switches Fiber Previous site of IDFs Cat5 cables WAP Legend
Network Project Keheley Elementary School Grades K-5 Keheley Elementary School is a K-5 school. Keheley was built in 1985 as a temporary building. All architecture is original. The center portion (offices, mailroom, gym and cafeteria) are concrete cinder block. The remainder of the building is metal, making connectivity an interesting chore, at times. All Cobb County schools have been in the process of upgrading to a fiber network during the past year. The last school is scheduled to be complete within the next two weeks. In Summer 2009, our Mac computers were all replaced with Dell PCs while doing a fiber upgrade/cutover. This led to the IDFs being removed from the building. Previously, there were two IDFs, with an MDF located in the mailroom. Because of the upgrade, the IDFs were considered to be outdated and unneeded. They were removed.
Network Project Keheley Elementary School Cat5 cables connect 7-port switches to computers and printers in the Media Center, all classrooms, and the computer lab. Each switch has 6 data ports and one printer port. The switches are expandable, although the county has said they would prefer not to expand,at this point. Currently, the school has 67 switches, one in each classroom, storage room, and office. Some locations have more than one 7-port switch which allows for expansion at some unknown point in the future. The school operates on a client-server Ethernet network. The OS is Novell 7.0 with a Sonet dual ring topology. Bellsouth T3 Fiber cables connect the school to the main server, which is located in the Kennesaw Warehouse location. There are 20 computer work stations located in the Media Center. Each computer is attached to a 7-port switch, with the seventh port being used either for a color network printer or a black and white printer. All but two of the computers are for student use. The remaining two are used by the media center staff for circulation and inventory of materials.