TORNADO CONT University of Maryland just after 9/11 on 9/23 at around 5pm. Zero Disaster Preparedness in Place. Had to react instead of being proactive. Wind partly blew of the roof of our Catering/ Late night Dining Hall We needed to move Catering to a new location the next day. Only two functions were missed that day. FoodPro was active throughout after power was restored. Afterwards we had a campus tornado plan in place campus wide within two months.
TORNADO PREPAREDNESS If indoors: Know the location of the nearest shelter for your facility. This can be a basement or a ground floor hallway with no windows or a door frame Get under a desk or a table Be careful removing debris that has fallen around you Remain calm in a protected area until the threat has ceased or the danger has passed.
TORNADO PREPAREDNESS CONT. If outdoors: Try to seek shelter indoors, if you cannot; Try to get to a protected or safe area away from buildings, windows and glass, telephone or light poles or any place where there could be falling debris ( A low area such as a ditch or ravine or a depression works well.) Lie face down and cover your head and face. Be careful removing debris that has fallen around you
HOMELAND SECURITY CONT. Emergency preparedness may look something like this in FoodPro. Depends on your organization. UMD is lucky. We have our own IT department. Our servers are protected by our generators. You may have to ask your campus IT what they can or cannot do for you.
SNOMAGEDDON CONT. Preparedness: Make sure assignments are done as to who is responsible for transfers, modify delivery (ordering) cancellation is necessary, forecasting, service records. Anything that is vital to keep the campus community fed. Cross training more than one person to do a certain job. Emergency numbers for vendors should be established. We are essential employees…we have to be at work because our Students have to eat. We have a hotel near campus that we can get staff in overnight for the Dining halls to be open on days the campus is closed.
SNOWMAGEDDON CONT. Snow is much easier to prepare for because it is predictable. Is snow removal on your campus sensitive to bringing food to the warehouse or individual locations. Phone list for emergency staff. We have phone lists made up that will fit in our wallets. Campus recording for snow emergencies.
POWER OUTAGE CONT. Protection of Assets. Food. Have an emergency response in place with all critical vendors. Servers – IT. Servers were working during power outage. Compressors strategically placed to run servers (IT), refrigeration, and freezers. Purchasing (our procurement office) has their computer on the server so that orders can be placed. We have Modify Delivery on paper in each location. We will be asking our units to reprint these once a year.
POWER OUTAGE CONT. Printing out a Modify Delivery (ordering book in UMD’s case): Location Activities Modify Delivery Select Order Group Order Group will come up File (top left) Print Prints to you default printer We have a printed order book for each location. Some order groups are not necessary. ( Produce is done on the companies web site daily.)
CAMPUS ACTIONS UMD Alerts, UMD SOS App, and Emergency Resource Page Update Students through Texts and App about current status and procedures to take Warehouse holds enough water for 3 days 120,000 bottles of Aquafina. Is rotated through the warehouse. Know your
FOODPRO LOCATION ACTIONS Direct line to US Foods to order during disasters Each unit has order sheets printed off modified delivery Contact your vendors to set up emergency procedures. If a disaster strikes that you are not prepared for document it for the next time for better reaction to the crisis. Set up Standard Operating Procedures
DINING SERVICES ACTIONS Generators and servers will not run out of power as long as we have diesel fuel Labor of essential employees HR, printed out time sheets
SUMMARY Things we can do on our end: Purchasing Modify Delivery Printed Copies at all Locations for ordering Power to the Server Generator Water …We have 120,000 bottles in our warehouse for a disaster Staffing Responsibilities
OPEN DISCUSSION: What are you doing at your College or University to be prepared for a Disaster?