CMS and HIT Adoption Tony Trenkle Director Office of E-Health Standards and Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CMS-The Numbers Medicare provides health insurance to approximately 45 million beneficiaries CMS also has federal oversight of the state- administered Medicaid program and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), covering about 50 million and 11 million enrollees respectively 33.7% of national health expenditures are paid by Medicare or Medicaid Medicare processes over a billion claims/yr. There are approximately one million Medicare providers
HIT Adoption CMS’ large percentage of overall healthcare purchasing as well as its regulatory role makes it the key driver for successful HIT adoption CMS support of standards drives industry adoption and builds a foundation to support interoperable HIT. CMS incentives programs promote adoption but also effective use of HIT. CMS demos and pilots provide a way to measure the impact of HIT on the Medicare and Medicaid populations.
Demos and Pilots DOQ-IT QIO 8 th Scope of Work Focus on small-medium sized primary care practices Medicare Care Management Performance Authorized under MMA 3 year pay for performance to promote HIT adoption and use Also focuses on small-medium sized primary care practices (up to 10 physicians)
Demos and Pilots EHR Demonstration Project Expands the MCMP demonstration Over 800 practices in 4 demo sites Began June 2009, will end May 2014 Also focuses on small-medium sized primary care practices (up to 20 physicians) Medicaid Transformation Grants 22 states grants focused on HIT EHRs, E-RX, HIEs
Other Drivers Stark/Anti-Kickback Allows donation of EHR software under certain conditions CHIPRA Promotes development of a pediatric EHR and quality measures PQRI/RHQDAPU Promoting the reporting of quality measures through EHRs for 2010 MIPPA E-rx incentive
HITECH HITECH Act-effective 2011 Section 4101-Medicare eligible professionals Section 4102-Medicare incentives for hospitals Section 4201-Medicaid Game changer Scale-up to $40 billion Brings together the CMS programs (Medicare FFS, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid) Meaningful Use-potential to bring about vast changes
Challenges Numerous CMS programs to promote adoption have begun or will start shortly. All contribute to increased use of interoperable HIT to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare. Challenges in the near term Synchronize these efforts to optimize effects and not create unintended outcomes. Create a platform that builds in continued improvements over time. Implement HITECH the right way Depth vs. width