Slide 1 Open Architecture, Open Acquisition or Both? Carlo Zaffanella Vice President General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems
Slide 2 Out of Theory – Into Practice Independence-class LCS using Open Architecture and Open Business Model Common Display System (CDS) o Delivered 150 Multi-Level Secure CDS displays o Shipping 10-15/week Common Track Manager o Developing one Track Manager for both Aegis and SSDS Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) o Five vessels under contract o First Total Ship Computing Environment completed for JHSV 1 Common Display System Common Track Manager Littoral Combat Ship
Slide 3 Evolving Our Open Architecture Increasing Efficiency Developed Open Computing Infrastructure (OpenCI) Published Open Data Model Facilitates third party product integration Enables reduced manning through capabilities like any display anywhere Littoral Combat Ship Utilized LCS OpenCI to meet requirements of C2 system Same computing infrastructure and tools scaled down to meet JHSV needs Joint High Speed Vessel OpenCI reused on MMC to integrate broader set of sensors and weapons Architecture enables same infrastructure to meet MMC requirements Multi-Mission Combatant OpenCI reused to meet needs of new customers Built from the beginning with reuse in mind Transportation Security Agency
Slide 4 USS Independence (LCS2) Performance OpenCI Facilitates Reduced Manning - Operating the ship with a crew of 44 o Any-Display-Anywhere technology o Integration of sea frame control systems and combat system o Fully disclosed interface with dozens of third party HW/SW components Scored unprecedented 98/100 on Detect-to-Engage test at sea trials o OA system meets real-time performance requirements System continued to operate through power failure Integrated 57 mm GunIntegrated SeaRAMReduced Manning Bridge
Slide 5 Challenges & Opportunities Reality of Cost o Perception of open systems costing more o Savings of open systems are in standardization, reuse, commonality, competition Realizing intellectual property still has a place – just not at the interfaces o Protecting IP is critical for third party developers, particularly small businesses o Fosters innovation and competition Sustainability/Provisioning model required Challenges must be overcome to achieve the next level of Open Architecture and Open Business promise
Slide 6 Summary Open Architecture has come of age o Demonstrated performance in challenging environments o Reuse generating tangible cost benefits Bringing OA and Open Business to new customers Success of OA requires consistent customer support o Disclosed interfaces o Ongoing competitions / Open Business Model o Understanding that savings are in reuse and tech insertion