1 Provision of sustainable energy
2 The market of energy as we know it The energy market contains a predefined business suppliers users access and settlement connection and usage data distributiondata handling network
EU policy: Internet of energy coming up Rifkin’s 5 pillars of an economic and industrial revolution 3 Rifkin: “Internet technology and renewable energies are beginning to merge in Europe to create the infrastructure for a Third Industrial Revolution (TIR) that can revitalize the European market.” Renewable energy Electric transport Exchange energy Energy producing buildings Storage Baroso: "Europe in the lead of the new industrial revolution", We are confident that there is the political will and determination to move forward, starting with many of the proposals for sustainable growth including green growth that the Commission has already put on the table.
Renewable energy: Communities generating power In the Netherlands there are more than 300 initiatives of communities investing in solar, numbers still growing Researchers expect consumers to invest more in production power than energy companies in coming years House owner: “We get a higher interest on investment in solar than on our bank saving account”
Energy producing buildings Several cradle2cradle based offices are opened in New concepts of energy-waste-water-heat-cold integrating within the building and in its environment. Leading to new ways of city planning. Revitalize industrial complexes by corporations. Small scale solutions. 5 Wageningen, NIDO Venlo, city hall Corporation NDSM revitalized ship warve
Exchange energy 6 Pilot solar for apartments Project participants 3 unions of home owners, combining 52 apartment chosen out of more than 300 applications City of Amsterdam Liander Local installer Including Technological solution at lower cost Software managing energy and taks-administration Defining suggestions for adaptations in tax-regulations Consumer initiatives creating new ways Unions and corporations like Greenpeace, Natuur&Miliieu, Zonvogel want to offer their members participation in exchange of energy. Energy legislation is still a problem, but is announced to be changed by new dutch government. Industrial areas created within a joint energy concept. Example: Greenport Venlo 5400 acres companies, employees 3 municipalities and in one province One CO2neutral energy masterplan
E-transport: new services for electric vehicles charging is a service Public charging Contracts including Kwh Condition based maintenance Green energy 7 New city distribution concepts - Collaboration between Logistics Service Providers and retailers. -innovative distribution concepts -sound business models, -less trafic, higher air quality, low stocks for shops Mobility is a service: Car2go: pay per use
Storage: heat/cold, power storage and balancing The technology of storage is rapidly developing. Available options at a fair price are mainly heat/cold, combined with heatpump or solar boilers. 8 Upcoming: Fuel cells for domestic storage Local balancing: near autonomy in your (virtual) island Powermatching services for production capacity (batteries, micro CHP etc) for trade and balance-markets. Example: Housing agency creating energy solution Naaldwijk Combination of heat for a residential area and a tomato grocery, exchange and storage of heat and cold
New dimensions in the energy marktet 9 CSR scorecard retailer AH People connected: Discuss Invest Create Evaluate and judge Industries changing their business Governments at all levels support by taking away the obstacles Social media site
Allianders new challenge is to facilitate and support market changes Allianders traditional role is run the network: −open access −independent −externally controlled on service and price Allianders new challenge is to expand this role to the changing market 10
Creating flexibility in the network 11 The grid is fully optimized on top down distribution. Smart technology for network management helps in creating two way distribution
Adding suppliers and users in new business model it is not only about solar panels, but turning building to energy producing and consuming in connection with the surrounding buildings it is not only charging your car engine, but diversity in mobility solutions it is not only about individuals, but about communities 12
Integrating networks through collaboration new business models already integrate electricity, gas, heat and cold the challenge is to realize open access and settlement across infrastructures 13
Overview of the changes already happening 14 smart metering charging infrastructure EV biogas connecting district heating networks local balancing features public light management e-cars in home generation energy management home appliances user communities mobility service providers local energy companies user communities USERS SUPPLIERS NETWORK