Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline: 1. Treatment suited to a disciple or a learner; education; development of the faculties buy instruction and exercise; training.
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline: 2. Training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill.
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline: 3. Subjection to rule; submissiveness to order and control; state of discipline
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline: 4. Severe training, corrective of faults; instruction by means of misfortune, suffering, punishment, etc.
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline: 5. Correction, chastisement; punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline: 6. The enforcement of methods of correction against one guilty of ecclesiastical offenses; reformatory or penal action toward a church member.
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline biblically: (key words) 1. “Education” Ephesians 3:3-5 2. “Development” 1Peter 2:1-2; 3:18 3. “Instruction” Rom.15:4;1Tim.1:5
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline biblically: (key words) 4. “Exercise” Hebrews 5:13-14 5. “Training” 1Timothy 4:7-8 6. “Drill” 1Timothy 3:15 7. “Chastisement” Hebrews 12:3-6
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline by Old Testament Application The Hebrew equivalent of the English “discipline” is musar- a derivative of yasar meaning “to bind, to tame, hence to correct, chastise, instruct, or admonish”
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline by Old Testament Application These two words (musar/yasar) are used in primarily two senses: 1. Of a Parents toward their Children Prov.3:11-12; 13:24; 22:15; 23:13 2. Of God toward His People Deut.8:5; Job 5:17; Psalm 94:12
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline by New Testament Application The Greek equivalent of the English “discipline” is paideia which means to “bring up, rear a child; to train and teach, to educate; to chasten, discipline.
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline by New Testament Application Just like its O.T. counterparts, paideia is also used in two senses: 1. Of Parents toward children, Eph.6:4 2. Of God toward His children, Heb.12:5-11
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline Conclusions: There are two kinds of discipline: 1. Instructive 2. Corrective
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline Conclusions: In both the Old & New Testaments, “discipline” is used both toward physical and spiritual children. We must realize the importance of applying it in both realms in order to produce God’s desired effects.
Church Discipline The Meaning of Discipline Conclusions: There are two kinds of discipline: 1. Instructive 2. Corrective
The Necessity of Church Discipline: as evidenced by Society as evidenced by God’s dealings with mankind
The Means of Church Discipline: Public Instruction, Heb.10:25; 1Tim.4:13 Private Instruction, Acts 20:20; 18:26; Gal.6:1
The Means of Church Discipline: Private Rebuke/Admonition, Matt.18:15 Public Rebuke/Censure, Gal.2:11-14; 1Tim.5:20
The Means of Church Discipline: Congregational Withdrawal of Fellowship, 2Thess.3:6-14; 1Cor.5:1-13; 2Cor.2:5-11
Church Discipline, #2 Conclusions: Failure in any or all of these areas of responsibility proves us to be disloyal to the commands of God.
Nothing is settled with the Lord until it is made right. Church Discipline, #2 Conclusions: Nothing is settled with the Lord until it is made right. Let us ever be vigilent in the implementation of this “plan of salvation” as well.
The Purpose of Church Discipline: Is not to take Vengeance, Rom.12:19 Neither is it to “Throw So-In- So out of the Church” 1Cor.5:13,5
The Purpose of Church Discipline is to: Maintain the Authority & Honor of Christ, Eph.1:22-23 Save the Erring Brother! 1Cor.5:5
The Purpose of Church Discipline is to: Maintain the Purity of the Church, 1Cor.5:6-7,9,13 Maintain the Respect of the World, 1Cor.5:1; 1Tim.4:12
The Proper Manner of Action for Church Discipline One calculated to accomplish the desired objective, Acts 19:32; Matt.18:15; Jas.5:20 Characterized by kindness and love, 1Cor.16:13-14; Col.3:12-13
The Proper Manner of Action for Church Discipline Practiced consistently and w/o partiality, 1Tim.5:21 Taken with all wisdom at disposal, 2Tim.2:24-26