October 27, 2011 CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place CPUC Submetering Workshop EVSP Coalition Recommendations.


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Presentation transcript:

October 27, 2011 CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place CPUC Submetering Workshop EVSP Coalition Recommendations

Basic assumptions Submeters will be on customer side of the main meter – in most cases the customer or the EV service provider will own them We focus on embedded meters in the EVSE and use case #3 Embedded submeters can be highly cost-effective, reducing the overall cost to consumers compared to parallel metering while providing the same billing and load management function CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place2

Objectives for submetering implementation 1. Consumer choice in EV services and metering solutions that support access to those services 2. Cost-effective metering solutions that do not unnecessarily increase consumer costs of EVSE purchase and installation 3. Ease of implementation to speed availability of submetering option for consumers 4. Accurate and reliable measurement of EV load for billing purposes 5. Billing enablement for submetered EVSE load in residential and commercial locations in order to facilitate EVSP business models for load management and non-utility EV services CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place3

Recommendation #1: Third party ownership and third party certification of submeters in EVSE Customers and EV service providers (who are also customers of the utility) will own the submeter Submeters will be certified by third parties Consider the benefits of third party certification by UL or other labs. It might be faster and easier to certify the meter as part of overall UL certification process for EVSE Self-certification should be established as a process, allowing entities to more quickly to adopt upgrades or changes to metering technology within EVSE, as specified by the Department of Food and Agriculture Submeters are not under the jurisdiction of utilities or PUC CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place4

Recommendation #2: Protocol needs to balance feature requirements and cost-effectiveness We believe the right trade-off is: Submeter certified to meter accuracy standard equivalent to ANSI C-12 meter standard. This will deliver the same level of accuracy as today’s AMI meters for billing and energy consumption measurement reliability. EVSE meters do not need to be visible from outside the home or removable from the EVSE. The residential EVSE can be removed for required calibration. Other feature and functionality for the submeter, including communication protocols, should be defined and selected by the EVSE manufacturers or providers as needed in accordance with their business processes and requirements. CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place5

Recommendation #3: Enabling subtractive billing with EVSE submetering Role of the utilities in submetering is largely to enable billing true- up of EVSE electricity consumption In the case that the EVSE is either owned or operated by a third party providers, the utility should establish a business process for billing that will achieve the following: (1) Allow EV service providers to credit or add to utility customers’ bills the EV electricity cost through a line item on the customer’s bill. The EVSP is responsible for reimbursing the customer for the monthly EV electricity usage. (2) Aggregate EVSE submeter billing for EV service providers The third party provider, not the utility, is responsible for billing disputes with the customer through contractual agreement. CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place6

Q&A CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Better Place7