RECOMMENDED ADULT VACCINES Tdap/Td—Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (every 10 years) HPV—Human Papillomavirus (3 doses years old) MMR—Measles, Mumps, Rubella (2 doses for adults born after 1957) Varicella (2 doses for adults < 60 who have never had chickenpox) Herpes Zoster—Shingles (1 dose for adults < 50) Influenza (every year for all adults) Pneumococcal (1 dose for adults <65 or adults at high- risk) Hepatitis A (2 doses for adults at risk or wishing immunity) Hepatitis B (3 doses for adults at risk) Meningococcal (1 or more doses for adults at risk)
PERTUSSIS (Whooping Cough) Highly contagious bacterial infection 20 DAYS 15 PEOPLE
Utah vs. Utah County
SYMPTOMS Coughing Vomiting Pneumonia Rib fractures Seizures
SAFETY Testing- 10 years or more Vaccines continually monitored Vaccine problems investigated by CDC & FDA
DO NOT GET VACCINE IF:OK TO GET VACCINE IF: Severe allergic reaction to previous vaccine Compromised immune system Mild illness (cold) Low grade fever
VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS No response to vaccine- may still get illness Soreness at injection site Fever Nausea/vomiting Allergic reactions are very rare
PERTUSSIS IN THE WORKPLACE 6-49 lost work days Decreased productivity About $13,000 per incidence
WHY NOW? Timing Cost Availability
WHAT TO BRING TO CLINIC Immunization Record Primary Insurance Card Photo ID