NetVuze Precision Network Meter standalone, easy to use, networked with data logging
Challenges with Stand-Alone Pumping Systems Are Warranty Repairs Justified? –Has the customer run the pump out of spec? When to do Preventative Maintenance? –Currently its done to a time schedule, but might be too late and who was notified? How to get Process information from the pump? –If only I could see the flow rate of this pump…
Today’s Solutions Is a Repair under Warranty? –Use the condition of the pump –Ask customer how they’re using the pump –Guess? When to do Preventative Maintenance? –Keep track of running hours manually –Guess? How to get Process information from pump? –Get Maintenance to add a PLC to the pump and do custom programming –Guess?
Preferred Solution A Precision Meter Solution that has been designed from the beginning to be easy setup and use. Standalone and always connected with the ability to send s when abnormal conditions occur Able to keep track of running pump hours and when it reaches an hourly maintenance schedule Able to be viewed from a smart phone or web browser from anywhere in the world. Does not require any changes to your PLC control process which might introduce risk or downtime
Standalone Sanitary Pump System Material Flow Rate ? Running Hours ? Seal Wear ?
Networked Sanitary Pump System Running Hours Input Temperature Output Temperature Flow Rate Alerts for over- Temperature Preventative Maintenance Reminders View Meters Remotely Management Reports in Excel Network
NetVuze Pump Monitor
NetVuze Application Features Up to eight Analog or Time Based Meters can be created to monitor pump status. Each meter can monitor critical process parameters then generate alarms based on user directed input. Individual meters can be set to control relay outputs used for external signaling or control. Alarms can be configured to turn on a Relay, send an alert or be recorded into the Alarm log. Network Connection provides alerts, ing Log files, Browser- based status and reports, even remote front panel control. Three separate password permission levels provide separate levels of access and track changes and acknowledgment down to a specific user. Secure web browser access with login authentication required for viewing or updating all functionality. Easy to use setup Wizards for all configuration functionality and parameter input. Dynamic Alarms are customizable including real time sensor values, running state status, running time or other important information.
NetVuze Meter Types Up to Eight individual Analog/Digital Meter displays. Four Analog Meters/Card using 4-20 mAmp sensors –Connects to industry standard temperature, pressure, flow sensors Input combinations to create Analog Differential Meters –Can be used to track temperature difference to monitor heat transferred from pump used to determine wear High Precision digital signal flow monitor –Measures signals up to 20 KHz in fractions of Hz Digital signal pulse summarizer monitor –Summarized counts stored in non-volatile memory for retention during power out conditions. Low Precision digital signal flow monitor –Measures signals up to 20 KHz in 1Hz increments Duty Cycle monitor of digital signal –Measure duty cycle rate of input signal
NetVuze Logging Features Optional Logging Function: –Saves all pump information based on user selectable time based to a 4Gbyte storage system –Download log information as CSV file that can be directly imported into Excel –User selectable Automatic of CSV log files on a nightly basis.
NetVuze Custom Branding All web pages can have custom logo’s and branding. Front panel bezel can have custom logo’s and naming on silkscreened keyboard overlay. Application Specific Meter types can be created to monitor your specific applications –Custom graphics can be displayed in browser or LCD –Custom process logic can be added Custom configuration wizards can be created to minimize end user setup and control. Standard configurations can be saved and reused for embedded applications to keep setup time to a minimum
NetVuze Additional Features Modbus/TCP Slave functionality to transfer all data generated by NetVuze to a PLC Software upgrades are performed by removable SD card Configuration data can be backed up and restored to/from removable SD card Configuration wizards are customized to each meter type and use graphics display which connection is in use
NetVuze Hardware Features HMI with 320x240 Color LCD and 15-position keyboard Remote HMI from remote browser to view and control all functions ¼ DIN Nema 4x Panel Mounted enclosure Base unit includes: –Four 4-20mA Analog inputs –Four Contact inputs for external acknowledgements –10/100 Mbit Ethernet connection. Two expansion slots that can contain different Analog /Digital Input and Output cards –Four 4-20mA input card –Three Digital Inputs with Four Digital Relay Outputs –Seven Digital Inputs –Six Digital Relay Outputs with two form C Outputs
NetVuze Connections Output Relays Digital Inputs 4-20mA Inputs Contact Inputs for external Alarm acknowledging Mbit Ethernet Expansion Slot Removable SD Card
NetVuze Network Meter Cost effective Meter Solution Networked from the beginning to provide new visibility into important pump status to help with Maintenance schedules, Pump failures and Pump process information Standalone and does not require risky changes to PLC control processes Can be customized to work with any OEM target solution