The Process of Archaeology by Bart Appleton
Ask a Question About Past Peoples
Do Research to Understand the Culture of These People Use library resources Use internet resources Use resources from the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center Talk to the people who live in the area
Develop a Hypothesis What was happening at this site?
What activities took place within this feature?
Develop a strategy for testing your hypothesis
Some strategies for testing a hypothesis might be Surface collection Shovel Test the area Excavate in 2 meter by 2 meter units Remove the plow zone Skim shovel Screen the soil Float and sort organic material
Test Your Hypothesis
Laying Out the Units
Removing the Plow Zone
Skim Shoveling
Screening the Soil
Float and Sort Organic Matter This technique is usually done back at the lab, rather than at the field site.
Make Observations and Record Data
State Your Conclusions
Note: This PowerPoint presentation was created by a teacher participating in an ESEA Title II grant-funded project for use in the teachers' classrooms. It reflects the individual’s experience at a particular site and is not intended to accurately reflect what happens on all archaeological investigations around the country or world. The teacher participated in professional development activities provided by: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center University of Wisconsin - La Crosse 1725 State Street La Crosse, WI Web site: All material Copyright © Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse