Participants in the Collaborative Please introduce yourself with: ● Name ● Affiliation ● Why you are interested in this research project
Project Goal Duquesne Light Will: ● Research the actual experiences of low income customers to determine how such customers may be able to use smart meter technology ● Incorporate information regarding such customers into the plan’s metrics
Objectives for This Collaborative 1.Gather input from stakeholders regarding the research project 2.Establish a review and reporting process 3.Establish a timeline for deliverables
Agenda 1.Discuss the Research Question 2.Discuss Possible Research Methods 3.Specify Process, Deliverables, and Timeline 4.Summarize and Wrap Up Meeting
Discuss the Research Question Research Question: ● How do low income customers use smart meter technology? Discussion Topics ● Who are low income customers? ● What smart meter technology will be available to them? ● How will we know low income customers have realized benefits associated with the smart meter system?
Low Income Customers Low Income Customers Include: ● DLC customers whose gross income is at or below 150% of the federal income poverty level. Who else should we consider for this research? ● Low use (base usage below 500 kWh)? ● Medically needy (customers with Chapter 56 medical certifications at the time a smart meters is installed)?
Smart Meter Technology Customer-accessible information services ● Web Dashboard Smart Meter Usage Data Display Bill to Date and Projected Bill ● Bill Alerts Phone, , and/or text notifications What else should we consider for this research?
Customer Benefits How will we know low income customers have realized benefits associated with the smart meter system? What types of benefits should we investigate?
Discuss Possible Research Methods What do you predict will be the answers to the research question? How do low income customers use smart meter technology? What will enable you to trust the answers? What other studies are you aware of that investigated a similar research question? ● What did you like or not like about how those studies were conducted?
Process, Deliverables, Timeline Process ● Subsequent stakeholder collaboratives to review significant deliverables Deliverables ● Summary of stakeholder requirements ● Research plan (draft and final) Timeline ● July 2013 – Summary of stakeholder requirements ● January 2014 – Draft research plan, 2 nd Collaborative ● April 2014 – Final research plan and schedule, 3 rd Collaborative
Summary and Wrap Up What was one good thing you experienced, learned, or discovered today? Who has been assigned action items, what are those actions, and when are they due?