Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 ZTE CorporationSlide 1 Consideration on Max Idle Period Extension for ah Power Save Date: Authors:
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 ZTE CorporationSlide 2 Abstract The target of this presentation is to provide some considerations on Max Idle Period extension for ah power save.
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Transmission Characteristics of 11ah Use Case [1] No.Use CasesSTA/AP communicationTraffic typeSTA Capacity 1aSmart Grid2-way (meter data & control)Continuous/periodic/burst6000 1cEnviron./Agri. Mon.2-way (monitoring data and control; mostly monitoring) Periodic, event-based300 1dIndustrial Process Automation 2-way (meter data & control) Periodic (0.1s~100s), Burst 500 1e Indoor Healthcare System 2-way (meter data & control)Periodic, event-based50 1fHealthcare/Fitness2-way (meter data & control) Periodic: few 100 bytes every minute Event-based: few 100 bytes per event 50 (multi-story center can have higher density) 1gHome/Building Automation/Control 2-way (meter data & control)50~100 1hTemperature Sensor Network 2-way (meter data & control)Periodic, event-based5~20 3aOutdoor Extended Range Hot Spot 2-way (meter data & control)Burst/permanent50 3bOutdoor Wi-Fi for Cellular Offloading 2-way (meter data & control)Burst/permanent50 ZTE CorporationSlide 3
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 In this presentation, we discuss the power save for 11ah use cases with Very long reporting interval and little downlink control message transfer, for example, Gas detector only need to transfer alarm message & data to AP, the detector potentially may sleep several days or even longer. In some smart grid use cases, meters report the data with very long period (more than one day) for only charge requirement. Slide 4ZTE Corporation Motivation Current 11v BSS Max Idle Period management scheme couldn’t satisfy the requirements of these 11ah use cases. All of STAs in the BSS are deployed the same Max Idle Period by the AP; The length of Max Idle Period is less than 1 day (~18.64hrs) Current 11v BSS Max Idle Period management scheme couldn’t satisfy the requirements of these 11ah use cases. All of STAs in the BSS are deployed the same Max Idle Period by the AP; The length of Max Idle Period is less than 1 day (~18.64hrs)
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Problems of support both mobile devices and sensors In current BSS Max Idle Period management scheme, all of STAs in the BSS are deployed the same Max Idle Period by the AP. If 11ah sensors are set to the same value of several minutes as mobile phone, It will be a big power consumption for 11ah battery-powered sensors. There may be a large number of keep-alive messages occupy the channel resources frequently, channel access competition and access delay may be a big problem. ZTE CorporationSlide 5 To save power of sensors in these use cases, AP should support multiple max idle period management scheme
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Current length of BSS Max Idle Period is only ~18.64hrs (16bit with unit of 1000TU). Suppose AP supports longer max idle period (~days) with ultra low sleep power consumption, STA could sleep longer than 18hrs to save more power, without sending keep-alive frame every 18hrs. By keep association with AP, if emergency situation happens, STA can quickly wake up and report important data to AP. Besides, STA can response to event-based query/control message from AP by periodically listen to TIM message. Power Save for very long transmission duty cycle (~days) Slide 6ZTE Corporation
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 One of the simply solution is to enlarge the unit of Max Idle Period, e.g. from ‘1000TU’ (1s) to ‘10000TU’ (10s), so that the length of Max Idle Period will be extended from ~18.64hrs to ~186hrs (7.75days). Power Save for very long transmission duty cycle (~days) Slide 7ZTE Corporation Idle Options: ZTE Corporation
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Summary Multiple Max Idle Period management extension for Support both mobile devices and sensors Very long Max Idle Period management extension (~days) for support related 11ah use cases One of the simply solution is to change the unit of Max Idle Period, so that the length of Max Idle Period will be extended longer than ~18hrs. ZTE CorporationSlide 8
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Reference [1] ah-potential-compromise-of ah-use-case- document [2] v-2011 [3] ah-performance-evaluation-of-multiple-STAs’- authentication-and-association-process [4] ah-power-saving-mechanism-consideration-for ah-framework [5] ah-low-power-capability-support-for ah ZTE CorporationSlide 9
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Straw Poll 1 Do you support the concept of Multiple Max Idle Period management extension for Support both mobile devices and sensors ? Y: N: A: Slide 10Minyoung Park, Intel Corp. ZTE CorporationSlide 10
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Straw Poll 2 Do you support the concept of very long Max Idle Period (~days) extension for better support related 11ah use cases? Y: N: A: Slide 11Minyoung Park, Intel Corp. ZTE CorporationSlide 11
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Straw Poll 3 Do you support the concept of very long Max Idle Period (~days) by simply change the unit of Max Idle Period, so that the length of Max Idle Period will be extended longer than ~18hrs? Y: N: A: Slide 12Minyoung Park, Intel Corp. ZTE CorporationSlide 12
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 backup ZTE CorporationSlide 13
Submission Jan 2012 doc.: IEEE 11-12/69r2 Power Save for very long transmission duty cycle (~days) If the sensor is disassociated with AP until requirement of burst data transmission To meet the requirement, successful and faster association process is needed to satisfy the delay requirement and security requirement for these time-sensitive and life/property-related important data transmission, especially for burst data transmission by large number of STAs at the same time due to emergency event happens such as fire disaster.[3] AP also needs to check the status of sensor or query sensor occasionally. How disassociated- STA quickly responses to this event-based query/control message from AP ? Num of STAs Authentic ation and associatio n time (s) ZTE CorporationSlide 14