Ephesians 2:1-10
1.What picture does Paul paint when he says that we were “dead in [our] transgressions and sins”? (verse 1) Dead means dead 2.The idea of death is not to be carried too far. We were certainly dead to God. But there was quite a bit of activity going on within us. Describe that activity. (verses 2,3) We actively gratified the craving of oru sinful nature
3.God loved us, but it was not because he saw anything lovable in us. Why did God love us and shower his grace on us? Because he is rich in mercy 4.Our salvation is clearly by grace alone and through faith alone, but what has God created us to do? Good works
5.These ten verses give us the four basic teaching a Christian needs to know in order to teach someone the way to heaven. List the four key teachings. Sin v.1-3 Grace v.4-5 Faith v.8-9 Good Works v.10
Ephesians 2:11-22 What hostility existed between the Jews and Gentiles? Jews felt superior, Gentiles were excluded, foreigners to the covenant, without hope, without the true God How does God bring both Jews and Gentiles near to Christ? Through the blood of Christ
3.Paul says that Christ did three things. Christ brought Israel to God by V. 15 He abolished the law by fulfilling it Christ brought the Gentiles to God by He reconciled all to himself Christ joined Jews and Gentiles by Faith given by the Holy Spirit
1.What is the foundation on which God’s household is built? What does this teach us about the inspiration of the Bible? The Prophets and Apostles God worked through the Prophets and Apostles to bring both to God
Ephesians 3: What is Paul’s role in God’s plan of salvation? God used Paul to reveal His mystery to the Gentiles 2.How did the administration of God’s grace to Paul benefit the Ephesians? What does verse 5 teach us about the inspiration of Scripture? They heard the Word from him and believed These things were revealed by the Holy Spirit to the Prophets and Apostles
3.Why did Paul consider his ministry a special gift of God’s grace? (verses 7,8) He was less than the least of all the Apostles, because he was not a believer at first. 4.Who is watching as the message of the gospel is proclaimed and as God builds his church? Rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms – 1 Peter 1:12 = Angels
5.Why weren’t the Ephesians to be discouraged by Paul’s suffering? (verse 13) His suffering was for the sake of the Gospel 6.Do you approach God in freedom and confidence? Why or why not? Is there anything that can keep us from doing that? Answers will vary
7.How can suffering be said to work out for glory? God promises to work all thing for our good. Romans 8:28