Israelology Class 10 A Dispensational Israelology Israel present (Part II)
Kingdom of God = God ’ s Realm of Rule There are three interrelated ideas which must be considered in establishing a biblical concept of the term “The Kingdom of God” Right to RuleRealm of RuleReality of Rule There are two aspects of the Kingdom of God TemporalEternal ScopeOn EarthIn Heaven NaturePhysicalSpiritual TimingAt PresentIn the Future AdministrationHuman MediatorGod 5 Facets of the Kingdom of God Program The Theocratic Kingdom The Universal Eternal Kingdom The Spiritual Kingdom The Mystery Kingdom The Millennial Messianic Kingdom
2) The Rejection of the Messianic Kingdom the Messiahship of Jesus its results and consequences The second sign of Jonah the Resurrection of Jesus which was rejected as recorded in the first seven chapters of Acts ending in the stoning of Stephen The results and Consequences of the rejection, Before and after Matt 12 Two Changes 1) Offer of the Messianic Kingdom rescinded and replaced by the Mystery Kingdom 2) The ministry of Jesus changed radically in four areas Miracles were signs to the nation of his Messiahship / now to train the Disciples Miracles for masses no faith required (tell all) / For individuals displaying faith (don’t tell) Sent to Israel to proclaim Jesus the Messiah / tell no one that I am the Messiah Spoke plainly clearly so they understood / Parables to hid the truth
Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants
Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants Although a covenant is made, signed, and sealed at a certain point of history, this does not mean that all the promises or provisions go immediately into effect.
Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants Although a covenant is made, signed, and sealed at a certain point of history, this does not mean that all the promises or provisions go immediately into effect. Abrahamic Covenant
Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants Although a covenant is made, signed, and sealed at a certain point of history, this does not mean that all the promises or provisions go immediately into effect. Abrahamic CovenantSeed,Land,Blessings
Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants Although a covenant is made, signed, and sealed at a certain point of history, this does not mean that all the promises or provisions go immediately into effect. Abrahamic CovenantSeed,Land,Blessings Davidic CovenantSeed
Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants Although a covenant is made, signed, and sealed at a certain point of history, this does not mean that all the promises or provisions go immediately into effect. Abrahamic CovenantSeed,Land,Blessings Davidic CovenantSeed Palestinian CovenantLand
Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants Although a covenant is made, signed, and sealed at a certain point of history, this does not mean that all the promises or provisions go immediately into effect. Abrahamic CovenantSeed,Land,Blessings Davidic CovenantSeed Palestinian CovenantLand New CovenantBlessings
Abrahamic Covenant Seed, Land, Spiritual Blessings, Sign of the covenant (circumcision).
Abrahamic Covenant Seed, Land, Spiritual Blessings, Sign of the covenant (circumcision) Seed Israel had remained distinct in Egypt 430 years, they remained distinct in Babylon 70 years, they remained a distinct ethic people from 70AD to This displays that the Abrahamic covenant of the seed is still in effect..
Abrahamic Covenant Seed, Land, Spiritual Blessings, Sign of the covenant (circumcision) Seed Israel had remained distinct in Egypt 430 years, they remained distinct in Babylon 70 years, they remained a distinct ethic people from 70AD to This displays that the Abrahamic covenant of the seed is still in effect. Land There hasn’t been an independent indigenous government from AD70 to AD1948. The history of the land shows that the Abrahamic covenant continues to be fulfilled with His people Israel.
Abrahamic Covenant Seed, Land, Spiritual Blessings, Sign of the covenant (circumcision) Seed Israel had remained distinct in Egypt 430 years, they remained distinct in Babylon 70 years, they remained a distinct ethic people from 70AD to This displays that the Abrahamic covenant of the seed is still in effect. Land There hasn’t been an independent indigenous government from AD70 to AD1948. The history of the land shows that the Abrahamic covenant continues to be fulfilled with His people Israel. Blessings I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you. Gentiles today enjoy the blessings that the Abrahamic covenant promised to them.
Abrahamic Covenant Seed, Land, Spiritual Blessings, Sign of the covenant (circumcision) Seed Israel had remained distinct in Egypt 430 years, they remained distinct in Babylon 70 years, they remained a distinct ethic people from 70AD to This displays that the Abrahamic covenant of the seed is still in effect. Land There hasn’t been an independent indigenous government from AD70 to AD1948. The history of the land shows that the Abrahamic covenant continues to be fulfilled with His people Israel. Blessings I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you. Gentiles today enjoy the blessings that the Abrahamic covenant promised to them. Seal Circumcision mandatory for all Jews it is still very much in effect today.
Palestinian Covenant Deut 30:1-10
Palestinian Covenant Deut 30:1-10 Promised a final worldwide regathering after a worldwide dispersion.
Palestinian Covenant Deut 30:1-10 Promised a final worldwide regathering after a worldwide dispersion. There are still Jews in the dispersion who are being persecuted.
Palestinian Covenant Deut 30:1-10 Promised a final worldwide regathering after a worldwide dispersion. There are still Jews in the dispersion who are being persecuted. Ownership of the land is unconditional but enjoyment of the land is not
Palestinian Covenant Deut 30:1-10 Promised a final worldwide regathering after a worldwide dispersion. There are still Jews in the dispersion who are being persecuted. Ownership of the land is unconditional but enjoyment of the land is not Israel has never occupied all the land that God has promised it will be a future possession.
Davidic CovenantPromised four eternal things
Davidic CovenantPromised four eternal things House,
Davidic CovenantPromised four eternal things House,Throne,
Davidic CovenantPromised four eternal things House,Throne,Kingdom,
Davidic CovenantPromised four eternal things House,Throne,Kingdom,Descendant
Davidic CovenantPromised four eternal things House,Throne,Kingdom,Descendant Jesus is seated at the right of God Almighty on His throne. This is not the throne of David as promised.
New Covenant Promised a national salvation of Israel no national salvation has occurred it is future.
The Church’s Relationship to the Unconditional Covenants
The Church’s Relationship to the Unconditional Covenants Physical promises limited to Israel, the church partakes of the Spiritual. Ephesians 2:11-16, 3:5-6
The Church’s Relationship to the Unconditional Covenants Physical promises limited to Israel, the church partakes of the Spiritual. Ephesians 2:11-16, 3:5-6 The Death of Jesus ratified, signed, and sealed the new covenant
The Church’s Relationship to the Unconditional Covenants Physical promises limited to Israel, the church partakes of the Spiritual. Ephesians 2:11-16, 3:5-6 The Death of Jesus ratified, signed, and sealed the new covenant The provisions of the new covenant cannot be fulfilled in, by, or through the church only in, by, and through Israel.
The Church’s Relationship to the Unconditional Covenants Physical promises limited to Israel, the church partakes of the Spiritual. Ephesians 2:11-16, 3:5-6 The Death of Jesus ratified, signed, and sealed the new covenant The provisions of the new covenant cannot be fulfilled in, by, or through the church only in, by, and through Israel. The Physical blessings belong to Israel
The Church’s Relationship to the Unconditional Covenants Physical promises limited to Israel, the church partakes of the Spiritual. Ephesians 2:11-16, 3:5-6 The Death of Jesus ratified, signed, and sealed the new covenant The provisions of the new covenant cannot be fulfilled in, by, or through the church only in, by, and through Israel. The Physical blessings belong to Israel Church is a partaker of the Spiritual blessings of the new covenant The blessing of Salvation The blessing of the forgiveness of sins The blessing of the indwelling Holy Spirit
The Gentile Obligation
The Gentile Obligation Gentiles are partakers of the Jewish spiritual blessings of the new covenant which places an obligation on Gentile believers, according to Romans 15:25-27.
The Gentile Obligation Gentiles are partakers of the Jewish spiritual blessings of the new covenant which places an obligation on Gentile believers, according to Romans 15: Gentile believers minister to Jewish believers in the material things. (Support Jewish missions)
The Purpose of Gentile Salvation Two reasons
The Purpose of Gentile Salvation Two reasons 1)Gather from among the Gentile a people for His name. See Acts 15:13-18.
The Purpose of Gentile Salvation Two reasons 1)Gather from among the Gentile a people for His name. See Acts 15: This leads to Israel’s national salvation in the future Rom11:25-29
The Purpose of Gentile Salvation Two reasons 1)Gather from among the Gentile a people for His name. See Acts 15: This leads to Israel’s national salvation in the future Rom11: ) Is to provoke Jews to jealousy See Romans 11:11-14
The Purpose of Gentile Salvation Two reasons 1)Gather from among the Gentile a people for His name. See Acts 15: This leads to Israel’s national salvation in the future Rom11: ) Is to provoke Jews to jealousy See Romans 11:11-14 This results in the salvation of the Jewish remnant in this age.
Next Week we will cover the following The Mosaic covenant and the Law of moses pages