The role of ERE in Costumer Protection Eduard Elezi Albanian Regulatory Authority ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Purpose and Role of ERE To protect interest of electricity customers To protect interest of electricity customers To solve disputes between customers and supplier and between the licensees To solve disputes between customers and supplier and between the licensees To ensure an equal and nondiscriminatory treatment to all the customers by legal and transparent procedures To ensure an equal and nondiscriminatory treatment to all the customers by legal and transparent procedures To monitor and control services to the licensees toward the electricity customers To monitor and control services to the licensees toward the electricity customers ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
LEGAL FRAMEWORK Electricity Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe and the Treaty on the Establishment of the Energy Community. Electricity Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe and the Treaty on the Establishment of the Energy Community. Law No. 9072, dated 22 May 2003 “On the Power Sector.” Law No. 9072, dated 22 May 2003 “On the Power Sector.” Energy Distribution Code. Energy Distribution Code. Power Measuring Code. Power Measuring Code. Albanian Market Model and the Market Rules. Albanian Market Model and the Market Rules. Energy supply contracts for residential and non- residential customers. Energy supply contracts for residential and non- residential customers. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Complain classification The Complains of customers with suppliers are in fulfilling the contractual obligations with the licensees The Complains of customers with suppliers are in fulfilling the contractual obligations with the licensees The Complains of customers with the suppliers for the quality of service offered The Complains of customers with the suppliers for the quality of service offered The Complains between the licensees that deal with bilateral relations of the market participants The Complains between the licensees that deal with bilateral relations of the market participants ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Procedure for solving the complains Form and content of a complain Each person can present to ERE a complain toward a licensee according to the standard form approved by ERE Each person can present to ERE a complain toward a licensee according to the standard form approved by ERE The complain should provide: The complain should provide: - the party or parties responsible for the complain - the action or non action that is in discordance with the applicable laws - the calculations of the financial burden - the corrective action, assistance or compensation asked for the damage caused - the corrective action, assistance or compensation asked for the damage caused ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Procedure for solving the complains ERE with 10 days sends a copy of complains to a party or parties considered responsible for the issue treated in the complain ERE with 10 days sends a copy of complains to a party or parties considered responsible for the issue treated in the complain The complain party will answer within ten days after the notification. The complain party will send a copy of reply to ERE and a copy a complainer The complain party will answer within ten days after the notification. The complain party will send a copy of reply to ERE and a copy a complainer Within 20 days from taking the reply if the conflict is not solved ERE plans a hearing session between the parties or in any case can carry verifications or inspections. Within 20 days from taking the reply if the conflict is not solved ERE plans a hearing session between the parties or in any case can carry verifications or inspections. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Hearing Sessions While exercising its competence and responsibilities, ERE may organize several sessions as follows: While exercising its competence and responsibilities, ERE may organize several sessions as follows: Official public sessions – to receive comments from Official public sessions – to receive comments from parties concerned about ERE’s rate setting process for parties concerned about ERE’s rate setting process for customers ERE regulations, guidelines, and documents. customers ERE regulations, guidelines, and documents. Technical sessions – to solve technical issues regarding fees, licensing procedures, conflict resolution, or other actions. Technical sessions – to solve technical issues regarding fees, licensing procedures, conflict resolution, or other actions. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Ensuring service of quality Main responsibility in fulfilling the obligations of the licensee to the customer -Security of supply in continuance -Technical security of supply -Commercial security of supply -The contractual obligations of Energy selling ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Security of Supply The distribution code defines actions that should be taken to guarantee continuous supply and to resume supply as soon as possible: Energy cuts due to defects – a company takes adequate actions and Energy cuts due to defects – a company takes adequate actions and notifies the customer on progress made. notifies the customer on progress made. Scheduled cuts – notified via media at least 24 hours in advance. Scheduled cuts – notified via media at least 24 hours in advance. Supply cuts – under certain circumstances, the customer may be Supply cuts – under certain circumstances, the customer may be asked to reduce the load or use reserve supply sources. Notifications issued 24 hours in advance. asked to reduce the load or use reserve supply sources. Notifications issued 24 hours in advance. Restrictions – in the event of a power reduction, restrictions may be Restrictions – in the event of a power reduction, restrictions may be requested. If possible, the company will notify customers. requested. If possible, the company will notify customers. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
TECHNICAL QUALITY (Voltage quality) The contract determines the tension level The contract determines the tension level and tolerance in limits: and tolerance in limits: +/-10% for urban area customers +/-10% for urban area customers +/-15 % for rural area customers +/-15 % for rural area customers ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Commercial Security of Supply -The supplier has the right that within 30 days to make the cutting of supply in case of surpassing the payment deadline after the client was notified in written form 72 hours in advance -The reconnection is made within 48 hours from the payment -In case of accidental cuttings of supply the company: a) Should realize supply as soon as possible b) Should register all the complains and notify the complainer for the duration -Activization of supply is provided within 30 days after the request from the client, while the cutting of the supply within 10 days after the request of the client -When the client needs an additional power, the reply is given within 30 days from the request. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS (From the consumer protection perspective) The main contractual conditions for energy sales are determined as follows: Frequency of meter reading – monthly and the bill is sent on the 25th of the month Frequency of meter reading – monthly and the bill is sent on the 25th of the month following the meter reading. following the meter reading. Payment mode – from the second day of the month till the end of the following Payment mode – from the second day of the month till the end of the following month. month. Charge for a delayed payment – in the event of a delayed payment, the customer Charge for a delayed payment – in the event of a delayed payment, the customer has to pay 0.5% per day in addition to the amount of the bill but not more than the total amount of the bill. has to pay 0.5% per day in addition to the amount of the bill but not more than the total amount of the bill. Meter control – within 15 days after receiving the request. Meter control – within 15 days after receiving the request. Energy bill when the meter does not work – For days when the meter is not Energy bill when the meter does not work – For days when the meter is not in use due to control or malfunctioning, the customer will be billed based on the in use due to control or malfunctioning, the customer will be billed based on the average daily consumption of the previous month, but no more than a 30-day average daily consumption of the previous month, but no more than a 30-day consumption. consumption. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Reporting and Auditing The Distribution Company is requested to prepare and submit to ERE an annual report on its activity focusing, among others, on: The Distribution Company is requested to prepare and submit to ERE an annual report on its activity focusing, among others, on: - A summary and analysis of the distribution activity of the licensee regarding quality of service and the details for each measure taken for the improvement of service - Load sheddings that lasts more than normal according to the rules and regulations - Defects happended during the year ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Auditing and Benchmarking ERE has created the legal framework carry an audit, but audit is closely connected to the setting of norms and quality of service ERE has created the legal framework carry an audit, but audit is closely connected to the setting of norms and quality of service ERE publishes and makes known the conditions that ensure the electricity services and the situation of electricity sector and the services offered by the operator ERE publishes and makes known the conditions that ensure the electricity services and the situation of electricity sector and the services offered by the operator ERE is part of a benchmarking report in the region. ERE is part of a benchmarking report in the region. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
OBJECTIVES ON IMPROVING QUALITY OF SERVICES ERE is in process to draft the document to define the Standards of the quality of service, that will end by ERE is in process to draft the document to define the Standards of the quality of service, that will end by ERE will review the Supply Contracts in order to define accurately consumer rights with respect to main characteristics of power sale service. ERE will review the Supply Contracts in order to define accurately consumer rights with respect to main characteristics of power sale service. ERE will engage in systematic tests to measure the degree of ERE will engage in systematic tests to measure the degree of customer satisfaction with service of quality, for the purpose of monitoring the changes in perception about the service quality. customer satisfaction with service of quality, for the purpose of monitoring the changes in perception about the service quality. To have in place a process for drafting these documents through transparent procedures. To have in place a process for drafting these documents through transparent procedures. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
Vulnerable Consumers and Regulatory Under the law “On power sector”, ERE has the right to defined the tariffs of energy according to the cost and is Council of Minister that has the duty to realize the social programs. The Council of Minister has redesigned the group of vulnerable customer included also the state employees to the targeted groups. The vulnerable consumers obtain the subsidy, only if they are going to pay the bill. Problems of identifying the targeted groups are still present. ERE Conference “Albanian Energy Sector, Challenges and Regulation” Tirana, 7 October 2010
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