God Shows No Partiality Rom. 2:11


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Presentation transcript:

God Shows No Partiality Rom. 2:11 Purpose: To look at common misconceptions about God and what he wants from us.

Introduction There is much confusion in religion today. Some misunderstand God and what He wants from us. The Bible says that God shows no partiality. This has led some to wrongly believe some things. For example, that God will accept/approve everyone and anything they do.

Partiality defined Respect of persons, partiality, the fault of one who when called on to requite or to give judgment has respect to the outward circumstances of men and not to their intrinsic merits, and so prefers, as the more worthy, one who is rich, high-born or powerful, to another who is destitute of such gifts.

God is not partial in sacrifice for sins God was not showing partiality when He sent Jesus to die for the entire world. John 3:16; Rom. 5:8. Jesus left commands to go into the entire world and tell the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15-16; Matt. 28:18-20. Some claim Jesus died only for the elect few.

God is not partial in judgment Some teach that God will save everyone. Rom. 2:1-11. God shows no partiality. We will be judged by our actions, not by what family we were born into or how rich or poor we were. Col. 3:22-25; Eph. 6:5-9. God will judge us impartially. 2 Cor. 5:10. All will be judged.

God is not partial in judging others Corruption in courts has been common for as long as courts have existed. Deut. 1:16-17. Moses with instructions on how to judge others. Lev. 19:15. Judge with righteousness.

God is not partial in race/nationality Acts 10:34-48. Cornelius. Rom. 1:16. Not ashamed, power of salvation to all who believe.

God is not partial to rich/poor The Bible has some strong warnings to both the rich and the poor. Money or lack of it can cause problems with discipleship. Jas. 2:1-11. We are not to be partial to anyone based on these outward appearances. Everyone has a soul that needs saving.

Conclusion God sent Jesus to die for everyone. Jesus said the gospel is to be preached to all. All sin and will be judged by God. God wants all men to be saved. 2 Pet. 3:9. Are you ready to stand before and impartial God in judgment?