GOES-R Proving Ground OCONUS Meeting Network Upgrades and Data Flow Questions Eric Lau NWS Pacific Region May
NWS Pacific Region 2
3 Oahu, Hawaii – NWS and Partners PTWC Ford Island JTWC HCC NWS PRH UH, WFO Honolulu/CPHC Waikiki Satellite Farm
4 Ford Island Inouye Regional Center (IRC)
5 IRC Rooftop Antenna Farm Rooftop shelter 2.4 meter L/X Band antenna 5/30/ meter Himawari antenna 8/26/ meter GRB Antenna 11/4/ meter Himawari antenna 10/30/2015 WFO Guam 2.4 meter L/X Band antenna TBD. WFO Guam 2.4 meter L/X Band antenna TBD. WFO Guam
Pacific Region’s Network Getting Better
Himawari Dissemination
Integrated Dissemination Project (IDP) Ground Readiness Project (GRP) The IDP was kicked off to ensure optimizations at NWS field offices by providing sufficient network bandwidth. WFO Guam upgraded to 100 Mbps (from 2 T-1s) WFO Honolulu will be upgraded to 250 Mbps (from 4 T-1s) American Samoa will utilize satellite upgraded to 10 Mbps(from 384K) Pacific Region HQ will be upgraded to 250 Mbps The GRP was kicked off to ensure NWS has the ability to ingest/utilize next generation satellite data. Himawari direct read out station at IRC(September) Himawari direct read out station at WFO Guam(October) GOES-R direct read out station at IRC(November) L/X Band polar direct read out station at WFO Guam(TBD) 8
How are we going to get this data into AWIPS ? Propose to install at satellite processing server on the LDAD DMZ to bypass the legacy LDAD /data/Incoming process. Need to find a baseline method to standardize ingest of direct readout data into AWIPS. Pacific Region in process of procuring this server. 9
Mahalo and Aloha! Questions: Eric Lau – 10