Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web The World Wide Web connects people from all over the world. The Web allows us to communicate to more people over greater distances than ever before. This appealing feature of the Web is what also makes it dangerous. There are people and software that are working to exploit this universal but anonymous nature of the web. Adware, Spyware, Viruses and SPAM can invade your privacy, steal information and damage your computer. This presentation is intended to help educate Web users to identify these threats, prevent them and neutralize existing computer infections. Start Press Start at any time to begin or to Skip Intro
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web The term malware is used to define any software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. It is a blend of the words "malicious " and "software". The most common forms of malware are adware, spyware, viruses and SPAM. Choose the topic to the right. Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Site MapQuit Adware Viruses SPAM Spyware Restart Links to Resources
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Adware is any software package which automatically plays, displays, or downloads advertising material to a computer after the software is installed on it or while the application is being used. Adware is software integrated into or bundled with a program. It is usually seen by the programmer as a way to recover programming development costs, and in some cases it may allow the program to be provided to the user free of charge or at a reduced price. Prevention Removing Adware vs. Spyware Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Adware takes advantage of social engineering to lure Web users. It also takes advantage of security holes in browsers (in particular Microsoft’s Internet Explorer). To prevent downloading Adware: Keep up-to-date with security patches and operating system updates from Windows Update. Use an alternative Web browser (i.e. Firefox, Netscape, Opera) Install ad-blocking software such as Trend Micro’s Internet security and Norton’s Internet Security. For users of Firefox, install Adblock extensions which blocks most, if not all, advertisements. Adware Prevention Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web If the best attempt to prevent downloading Adware fail, then it is necessary to use an Adware removal tool to detect and remove Adware. Free tools such as Lavasoft’s Ad-Aware will find and remove Adware (along with other forms of Malware). This tool is free to home users and can be downloaded at Run programs like Ad-Aware SE on a regular basis in order to remove Adware. Adware Removal Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web It is very common for people to confuse Adware with Spyware since these concepts overlap. For example, if one user installs Adware on a computer, and consents to a tracking feature, the Adware can become Spyware for another user if that user is tracked by Adware without their consent. This could happen with commonly used computers in libraries, schools or even by multiple home users. Although Adware is considered to be invited in by users whereas Spyware is not, the reality is that very few users explicitly agree to Adware. Typically, they are tricked with pre-checked checkboxes in surveys or misleading messages. Adware and Spyware are so closely related that the tools typically used to prevent and remove Adware and Spyware are the same. vs. Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Spyware Spyware is a type of program that watches what users do with their computer and then sends that information over the internet. Spyware can collect many different types of information about a user. More benign programs can attempt to track what types of websites a user visits and send this information to an advertisement agency. More malicious versions can try to record what a user types to try to intercept passwords or credit card numbers. Yet other versions simply launch popup advertisements. Prevention Removing Adware vs. Spyware Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Experts at the Federal Trade Commission and industry experts around the country have these suggestions for preventing Spyware: Update the software you are using for your operating system and Web browser. Download free software only from sites you know and trust. Install only software that is easily understood and don’t install any software without knowing exactly what it is. Set your browser security setting on high. Don’t click on any links within pop-up windows. Don’t click on links in spam that claim to offer anti-spyware software. This may actually install spyware or adware. Install a personal firewall to stop unwanted software from accessing your computer. Spyware Prevention Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web If prevention attempts fail, then Anti-spyware software is needed to remove the threat. Anti-spyware programs can combat spyware by: Anti-spyware programs can inspect the contents of registry files, operating system files, installed programs and remove files and entries which match a list of known spyware components. Anti-spyware programs also offer real-time protection from spyware by blocking downloads known to represent spyware. 1.Real-time protection, which prevents the installation of spyware 2.Detection and removal of spyware. Spyware Removal Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web It is very common for people to confuse Adware with Spyware since these concepts overlap. For example, if one user installs Adware on a computer, and consents to a tracking feature, the Adware can become Spyware for another user if that user is tracked by Adware without their consent. This could happen with commonly used computers in libraries, schools or even by multiple home users. Although Adware is considered to be invited in by users whereas Spyware is not, the reality is that very few users explicitly agree to Adware. Typically, they are tricked with pre-checked checkboxes in surveys or misleading messages. Adware and Spyware are so closely related that the tools typically used to prevent and remove Adware and Spyware are the same. vs. Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web A computer virus is defined as a self- replicating computer program that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other executable code or documents. A computer virus, like a biological virus, spreads into a program. The worst characteristic of viruses is their uncontrolled self-reproduction which wastes or overwhelms computer resources. Some viruses are very clever. They even try to avoid detection. A computer virus will pass from one computer to another like a real life biological virus passes from person to person. Identifying Viruses Preventing Removing Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web 1.It takes longer to turn on your computer or launch programs. 2.You received an message that has a strange attachment. 3.An antivirus program is disabled or cannot be installed. 4.Strange dialog boxes or message boxes appear onscreen. 5.New icons appear on the desktop that you did not put there. Computers that have been infected by a virus can display a variety of symptoms. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to diagnose. Some common symptoms include: Identifying Computer Viruses Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web 1. The most common is to download an anti-virus software and receive regular updates. 2. Use a firewall. A firewall is software or hardware that creates a protective barrier between your computer and potentially damaging content on the Internet. 3. Don’t open an attachment unless you know what it is, even if it's from someone you know. There are some measures you can take to prevent infection from computer viruses. Preventing Viruses Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Site MapQuitRestart Viruses can destroy important data on a computer and even corrupt the operating system. It is important to take very good care to prevent viruses. By the time that you realize you have a computer virus it may be too late. Anti-virus software can detect and eliminate known viruses before they spread or cause irreparable damage. Common software available for purchase is Symantec (Norton) Antivirus, McAffee and PC-Cillen from TrendMicro. This software can cost between $20 - $120. Most vendors allow for a free day free evaluation. To view the process for running Anti-virus scans choose the below. Removing Viruses with Antivirus Software
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Site MapQuitRestart Antivirus software must regularly download virus definitions from the server of the Antivirus company. These defintions tell the Antivirus software how to look for and remove the most current viruses.
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Site MapQuitRestart Symantec Antivirus uses LiveUpdate to keep this list current. In this screen the Symantec Antivirus software has retrieved a list of updated virus definitions.
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Site MapQuitRestart With the new virus definitions in place it is important to run a full virus scan on your computer to make sure that no viruses exist on your computer. These scans can be scheduled to run every time a computer starts up, at a scheduled time or both. Virus scans are helpful if your computer already has a virus, but you should take steps to avoid getting viruses.
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Spam is unsolicited, unwanted bulk . It is simply junk mail in your . Spam often promises quick weight loss, cheap prescription drugs, beauty products and even pornography. Prevention Blocking SPAM Filters Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web It is common to wind up on a SPAM list simply by being copied on an of someone else. The primary method for preventing SPAM is simply being very protective and selective with distributing your . 1.When you register and supply your address to legitimate companies, make sure that you do not inadvertently say Yes to receiving offers. 2.Keep personal and work s separate. 3.Politely ask to be removed from any large list of addresses sent by friends distributing jokes, stories or other information. SPAM Prevention Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web SPAM Blocking Virtually all tools such as Outlook and Eudora have some mechanism to block addresses. Most web-based providers, even free such as Yahoo provide this service. Select the and choose Block to prevent any from that sender. You may still need to delete the message after putting it on the list. This is the only real method of dealing with SPAM that arrives in your Inbox. Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web SPAM Filters Many providers, ISPs and Antivirus providers boast some kind of SPAM filter. These are virtually useless and not only will not block all SPAM, but may toss out useful . SPAM filters would be like asking your neighbor to take in your mail for the month you are on vacation and then ask them to throw out and keep what they think is important. Only you know what should be kept or blocked!! Site MapQuitRestart
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Links to Resources Site MapQuitRestart Adware/Spyware Free Adware/Spyware Removal Software from Lavasoft Anti-Virus Software Norton Anti-Virus McAffee Antivirus PC-Cillen from Trend Micro SPAM Microsoft ecurity/ /options.mspx Report SPAM to The FTC General SPAM Information and Links
Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Safe Surfing Through the World Wide Web Intro Choose Topic AdwareSpywareVirusesSPAM PreventionRemoving Adware Vs. Spyware PreventionRemoving Adware vs. Spyware IdentifyPreventionRemoving Prevention Blocking SPAM Filters Main Antivirus Scan Antivirus Update Antivirus Install Restart Each Screen Main Menu (Home) Site Map This Screen Previous Screen Quit Site MapQuitRestart