1 Giovanni Colombo – Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (già membro dell’executive committee EIT) APRE L’Istituto Europeo di Innovazione e Tecnologia Roma, 20 novembre 2012 Le strategie globali dell’EIT. Quale futuro in Horizon 2020?
2 The EIT – a brief and intensive journey towards the knowledge triangle integration EIT launched the 15th September 2008 – set up to revitalise the EU innovation landscape the first initiative of the European Union bringing together the three dimensions of the knowledge triangle Mission: “To be the catalyst for a step change in the European Union’s innovation capacity and impact” Education Innovation Research the glue: entrepreneurship
3 ….. to improve European competitiveness by addressing a sustainable economic growth through a stronger innovation capability First action (Dec. 2009) the creation of Knowledge and Innovation Communities aiming at: build innovative ‘webs of excellence’ create new business with societal impact educate and develop entrepreneurial people KIC’s Stakeholders: Business, Entrepreneurs, Research and Technology Organisations, Education, Investment Communities, Local and National Governments The EIT operates via Knowledge & Innovation Communities (KICs)
4 A KIC and its Co-location Centres KICs, highly integrated, creative, excellence-driven, autonomous partnerships; internationally distributed but thematically convergent partners KIC co-location, a geographical location of a KIC where a large part of the innovation web can work in proximity across the innovation web CEO type leadership; a monitored business plan with targeted investment returns and drivers based on achievements Minimum 7 years life KIC co-location centre
Climate-KIC: Co-location centre RIC (Regional Implementation and Innovation Centre) EIT ICT Labs: Co-location centre Associate Partner KIC InnoEnergy Co-location centre KICs – The first three KICs and the geographical distribution
6 KICs achievements since innovation hotspots spread across Europe 280 partners from industry, research, academia and other relevant institutions 170 million € EIT seed investment topped by the three KICs with more than 600 million € derived from external sources 1000 students recruited into20 specific educational programmes integrating interdisciplinary innovation and entrepreneurship 100projects initiated by the KICs, 27 start-up companies, 35 patent applications and 100 novel services and products in the pipeline
7 The EIT/KIC model – essential values Local-global : KIC as a potential model for synergy o global dimension of the KIC (coded knowledge, competition) o local policies and choices (tacit knowledge) enabling sustainable processes and certifying their feasibility Adopting knowledge-based, open and demand-based innovation models (anticipatory attitude, entrepreneurship, role of PA) Challenging on business models sustainability-enabled and networking mechanisms Exploring new paths to remunerate and exploit knowledge creation efforts (social entrepreneurship, continuous innovation process)
8 A contribution to face European limits in innovation discontinuous innovation in knowledge- intensive sectors, low private R&D spending non-R&D based innovation in SMEs low entrepreneurial culture (firms renewal) and innovation-driven education insufficient organisational and process innovation market fragmentation, weak linkage of local capabilities to global perspectives European Innovation Scoreboard
9 A support to European policies (challenging on both What? and How?) HOW? (contribution to EU policy, new models for business, innovation and education) WHAT? (economic and social value through new innovative schemes and entrepreneurship) EIT/KICs Horizon 2020 integration of R&I from idea to market added value from societal challenges room for discontinuous approaches and creativity simplification
10 Investing in KICs by trusting in non-conventional ideas Performance indicators new business created (e.g. # KIC spin-off, market value) talents attraction (#of PhD, Post-doc, courses for entrepreneurship, creativity, mobility levels) industrial partnership attraction (investment, polarisation of activities) development of the EIT brand (culture, innovation and education models) Indicators Reporting (KIC) Investment Evaluation (GB) Business, Education and Research Plans (KIC)
11 EIT, a valuable model for some Italian weaknesses research and market fragmentation limits in knowledge management and firm renewal (entrepreneurship) difficulty to embed R&D national opportunities in the European framework Industry widening perspectives: innovative business-driven international chains access to promising innovation models Academia: challenging on multi-disciplinary research and process innovation contribution to new education models Public entities: exploitation of social value embedded in the grand challenges
12 Some hints to try for KICs on the new themes Look at social and economic expectation and potential impact (e.g. knowledge jobs, market, sustainability) A good candidate KIC shows high elasticity (impact incremental growth) to the “EIT production mechanism” realising the conditions for added value creation (stakeholders, entrepreneurial capability, local- global juncture, lead market creation)
13 An example: healthy living and active aging ( ° ) family citizen service centre hospital local centre family Doctor personal case file third sector social services prevention and personalised health predictive medicine and early diagnosis de-hospitalization, assistance and chronic diseases inter-generational contract, active life Essential requirements: preserve wellbeing under pressing financial constraints polarise process innovation efforts by exploiting creativity, dissemination, public adoption and social involvement integrate the management of the overall process ( °) linkage with EIP on active and healthy ageing
14 An example: food for future ( ° ) food-physiology interaction improve horticultural quality, animal health and welfare rural communities as trustee for management of natural resources and biological diversity Essential requirements: valorise local production peculiarities through new agro-food value chains create sustainable models from fork to farm (healthy nutrition, packaging and distribution, production) consolidation of knowledge-based rural economy, related education models and professional perspectives ( °) linkage with Food for life platform and Extended reflection paper - Theme 2