MIS 412 Spring 2013 Management of Ecommerce
C LASS O VERVIEW Office: Somsen 325 Physical classroom: Somsen 301 Virtual classroom: Course Web Site: D2L: Tegrity: in D2L Office hours: on web siteweb site 2 PgP MIS412 2
I NSTRUCTOR B ACKGROUND Attorney Mechanical Engineer Operations Manager Business Systems Consultant Professor of MIS 3 PgP MIS412 3
I NSTRUCTOR ’ S W EB S ITE Course materials Homework assignments Reading materials Project information Important announcements 4 PgP MIS412 4
C OURSE D ESCRIPTION -C ATALOG E-commerce is studied from a managerial perspective. Topics include e-business, web EDI, and business uses of the internet. The influence of technology on collaboration and new business methods is discussed. 5 PgP MIS412 5
C OURSE D ESCRIPTION Investigate web site issues important to businesses Investigate current state of web technology Experience and address current web site problems facing businesses and organizations 6 PgP MIS412 6
A REAS OF C ONCENTRATION Understand business issues Understand available technology Familiarization with the tools/software/concepts Evaluate alternate solutions Understand impact of mobile devices 7 PgP MIS412 7
M ATERIALS Required-Creating a Web Site: The Missing ManualRequired-Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual 3rd Edition- by Matthew MacDonald ISBN-13: eBook acceptable Optional-Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual Optional-Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual by David McFarland ISBN-13: eBook acceptable 8 PgP MIS412 8
R EFERENCE M ATERIALS MSDNAA-Microsoft Developers Network Academic Alliance software MeLB-Microsoft electronic Learning for Business, web based training Atomic Learning-web based training Software, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, Microsoft Expression 4 Studio Files available at: \\store\classes\ \ReadOnly 9 PgP MIS412 9
C LASSROOM I NFO Somsen 301 Bring laptop every day Attendance Homework Work on material in groups 10 PgP MIS412 10
A TTENDANCE AND P ARTICIPATION This course covers material discussed in class, but not in the assigned readings Attendance is expected Attendance, or lack thereof, is a factor in deciding borderline grades Submit attendance for each class!attendance Your responsibility, no second chance! 11 PgP MIS412 11
P ROJECT 1-A SSIGNMENT W EB S ITE Create and maintain a web site for submitting your assignments Learn to work with HTML and the Internet 12 PgP MIS412 12
P ROJECT 2- W EB P ROJECT Analyze business web site Develop problem statement Document work Propose initial solution Obtain feedback Propose final solution 13 PgP MIS412 13
ASSIGNMENTS Assigned readings To focus on main course topics Develop written communication skills No ed assignments, no print outs Late assignments are penalized 14 PgP MIS412 14
E XAM N OTICE Before final exam make sure that you have WSU network access and that you can connect to: \\store\classes\ \ Why? This is where you get exam files! 15 PgP MIS412 15
F INAL Written, 2 hours Cumulative, test knowledge of information technology project concepts Open book, open notes 16 PgP MIS412 16
G RADING Grading will be based on: 5%Project 1 20% Project 2 5%Meaningful class attendance & participation 30%Assignments 10%Midterm 30%Final 17 PgP MIS412 17
F INAL G RADE Based on 100 total points A 90% or greater B 80 to 89% C 70 to 79% D 60 to 69% F less than 59% 18 PgP MIS412 18
G RADING Late Assignments are penalized! No extra credit No make-up exams! Professor Paulson does not give out grades Students earn grades! 19 PgP MIS412 19