WOW! WELCOME TO GEOGRAPHY We are going to be doing the following: Learning about biomes. What are biomes and where are they found? How they affect us, and why they affect us. Why they are important to us. What we find in the different biomes.
The best is yet to come! Once we have found out all about Biomes, we are going to learn how to be able to do: A PowerPoint presentation A newsletter A website
EINSTEIN HAS GOT NOTHING ON US! With all the knowledge that we have now obtained, we are now ready to do the following: 1.Create a power point display on the biomes of the world 2.Create a newsletter about the biomes of the world and all the interesting facts that we can obtain. 3.Create a webpage on the biomes specific to South Africa, as well as the indigenous plants and animals in our biomes.
THE CHERRY ON THE CAKE And last but not least, once we have LEARNT about biomes, CREATED about biomes, we are going to VISIT different areas in our town which illustrate the biomes that we live in.
And last, but not least We are going to have great fun together learning all that we can learn about biomes, computers and the world around us. ENJOY YOURSELF!