1 High level processing of oil slime wastes into diesel oil and asphaltic road oils is a perfect solution for the environment protection
2 Recyclable Oil slime from waste water settling ponds of the oil refinery plant Emulsified oil and bituminiferous slimes of oil-and-gas production department and drilling department Oil slimes from clean-up of oil- pipe lines and tanks Oil slimes from clean-up of tankers Wastes of emulsols, cutting oils, steel-hardening oils of factories Oil slimes from steaming stations of Ministry of Railways Oils and fuel waste of transport companies Oil waste of metallurgical production
3 Environmental problems as a result of hydrocarbon pollution Oil contaminated waste accumulating on the surface poison environment and disturb ecology Spilled crude oil and refined products is an economic waste and threat to the environment and population health SOLUTION Funding for oil slimes cellars and waste water settling ponds decommissioning can ONLY be obtained by processing hydrocarbons, extracted from oil slimes, to highly valuable products
4 Goals for creating Oil slimes processing facility Complex solution for crude oil and refined products pollution-related ecological problems of the region Return of lost hydrocarbon materials to the commercialization Bio-remediation of oil-contaminated soil and water on the basis of self-financing (by income from oil slimes processing)
5 Systematic approach solution is required waste disposal => recycling problem => solution partial solutions => system solutions Internal consistency of partial solutions complex availability of flexible technology (set of technologies) raw material efficient logistics hydrocarbon processing high profitability waste-free processing, no secondary pollution With consideration for external conditions variety of oil slimes raw materials resources distribution planned unprofitability of ecological rehabilitation support of state and local government
6 Slimes phase composition Slime types Phases composition, % mass hydrocarb on solidsaqueous Fresh emulsion Emulsion suspension Suspension-emulsion Bituminiferous
7 Physical and chemical characteristics of oil slimes hydrocarbon part Characteristic and values Oil slimes Fresh emulsion Emulsion suspension Suspension -emulsion Bituminifero us Density, g/cm 3 0,89-0,910,99-1,021,0-1,20,98-0,99 Aqueous phase рН5,54,55,06,5 Initial boiling point, °С Pour point, °С —60-80 Viscosity rating moveable slow- moving gelatinou s solid
8 Used technology features Technology of extraction and initial processing of oil slimes using solvents, heating and cavitation and acoustic actions can intensify extraction process and oil slime purification, and provide year-round works It is IMPOSSIBLE to get oil concentrate suitable for the further high-level and efficient processing using conventional method of extraction and purification
9 Used technology features Technology provides production of oil slime materials: Lean oil with content of petrol and diesel oil cut more than 70%, or Overhead products: up to 15% petrol components up to 55% diesel oil cut Residual products: 30% fuel oil М100, or 20% unoxidized bitumen (road/construction types)
10 Lean oil characteristics Density at 20°С0,85-0,88 g/cm 3 Pour point-10 ÷ +10 °С Water content< 0,5% mass. Solids content< 0,5% mass. Initial boiling point30-40°С Boils up to 350°С65-70% vol.
11 “Visbreaking-TERMAKAT ® "– basic technology for oil slimes processing Output, % mass. Gas – 3,0-5,5 Petrol with end boiling point 180°С – 8,0-12,0 Diesel oil cut °С – 55,0-64,0 Unoxidized bitumen – 16,0-24,0 1 – visbreak furnace, 2 – soaker drum, 3 – fractionation tower, 4 – acoustic cavitation pumps, 5 – thermolysis furnace, 6 – soaker drum, 7 – thermal polymerization drum.
12 UGPM-40 Gathering stations and temporary storage Oil slimes high-level processing plants UVN-16 URN-16 UVN-16 Regional Oil slimes processing facility structure: UGPM-40 – 1 UVN-16 – 1-2 URN-16 (40) – 2-3 Gathering stations and temporary storage – 8-12 Specific motor transport service – 1 Subdivision for ecological rehabilitation works – 1 Regional Oil slimes processing facility structure
13 Oil slimes processing facility (1 st stage) Oil concentrate processing block Oil concentrate extraction block fuel gas Control center Construction trailer Storehouse Machine-shop Back-up electric generator Lab fuel oil oil slimes cellar water + contamination heat + solvent oil concentrate refined furnace oil Oil slimes removal block Special equipment Grader Bulldozer Tanker truck Processing unit Support infrastructure
14 Oil concentrate processing to bitumen Capacity thousands of tonnes per year Of raw material – 40,80 and 120 Of bitumen – 10,25 and 40 Number of modules, units – 7-12 Mass of modules, t – Area to accommodate technological equipment, m 2 – Installed electric power, kVA – 190 Operating personnel, people per shift – 3 Term for design, manufacture, installation and placing in operation, months – 8-10
15 UVN – facility for “fresh” oil slimes initial processing Raw materials tank oil slimes Capacity thousands of tonnes per yearup to 80 Number of modules, units 11 Mass of modules, t 20 Area to accommodate technological equipment, m Installed electric power, kVA 210 Operating personnel, people per shift 3-4 Term for design, manufacture, installation and placing in operation, months 6-8
16 URN - facility for bituminiferous oil slimes initial processing Raw material bituminiferous oil slimes Capacity thousands of tonnes per year up to 120 Number of modules, units up to 13 Mass of modules, t 170 Area to accommodate technological equipment, m Installed electric power, kVA 190 Operating personnel, people per shift 3-4 Term for design, manufacture, installation and placing in operation, months 8-10
17 Oil slime processing facility operation scheme Solids and oil-contaminated soils Return on investment For infrastructure development Reclaimed soils Gasoline component Diesel fuel component Solvents (nefras (oil solvent)) Fuel oil Bitumen Oil concentrate Oil-contaminated water Mobile modules for removal and primary processing Gathering station and temporary storage of oil slimes and oil- contaminated soils Oil slimes washing skid and oil concentrate extraction unit Water treatment unit Solids recycling and soil bioremediation unit MARKET Plants being sources of oil slimes and oil waste Emergency oil spills and oil slimes cellars Reception of oil slimes Oil slimes removal and primary processing Rehabilitated area Oil slimes reception and preparation unit Subdivision for area rehabilitation Specific motor transport transportation Purified water <0,05 mg/l petroleum products Unit for high-level processing of oil concentrate using technology “Visbreaking-TERMAKAT ® " UGPM-40 (16 or 80) Road or construction materials (mineral dust for asphalt concrete or ex-clay) production for “ecology" taxes INCOME profitexpences Processing economy
18 Oil slime processing facility commercial output for 120,000 t per year /40 m3 per hour (working example) t/year Distillated fuels: Petrol А Diesel fuel for winter and summer or Furnace household fuel (refined) Residual products: Waxy fuel oil or Road bitumen6 000 or Construction bitumen5 000 Road-building materials up to
19 Schedule №Types of works, months. 1 Development stages of research project, initial data, requirement specification and pre-project process operation guide Design and equipment Production, plant assembling and preparation of the industrial site Unit assembling on the industrial site Testing and commissioning and placing in operation 1-3
20 Working examples Return on investment – months The payback period of capital investments in 2 stages, infrastructure development – months. Return of lost hydrocarbon raw material – annually up to 10 mln. $ Complex solution of ecological problems on the basis of self-financing – through income from high- level oil slimes processing