Universal college of engineering and technology C.P.D. SUBJECT:- DC Machine & Transformer ELECTRICAL ENGG. DEPARTMENT
Three-phase Transformers Introduction 1. 3-Phase transformer Construction 2. Delta-delta connection 3. Delta-star connection 4. Star-delta connection 5. Star-star connection 9/10/2015UCET 3
Introduction 9/10/2015UCET 4 The transformers may be inherently 3- phase, having three primary windings and three secondary windings mounted on a 3-legged core. The same result can be achieved by using three single-phase transformers connected together to form a 3-phase transformer bank.
1. Three-phase transformers 9/10/2015UCET 5 A transformer bank composed of three single- phase transformers may be replaced by one 3- phase transformer. For a given total capacity, a 3-phase transformer is always smaller and cheaper than three single- phase transformers. Nevertheless, single-phase transformers are sometimes preferred, particularly when a replacement unit is essential.
Three-phase transformers 9/10/2015UCET 6
Three-phase transformers 9/10/2015UCET 7 Fig.9 Three-phase transformer for an electric arc furnace, rated 36 MVA, 13.8 kV /160 V to 320 V, 60 Hz. The secondary voltage is adjustable from 160 V to 320 V by means of 32 taps on the primary winding (not shown). The three large busbars in the foreground deliver a current of 65,000 A. Other characteristics: impedance : 3.14%; diameter of each leg of the core : 711 mm; overall height of core : 3500 mm; center line distance between adjacent core legs: 1220 mm. (Courtesy of Ferranti-Packard)
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Three-phase transformers 9/10/2015 UCET 9 Fig.10b Same transformer with coils in place. The primary windings are connected in wye and the secondaries in delta. Each primary has 8 taps to change the voltage in steps of ±2.5%. The motorized tap-changer can be seen in the right upper corner of the transformer. Mass of copper: 15,230 kg.
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Three-phase transformers 9/10/2015 UCET 11 Fig.10a Core of a 110 MVA, kV /34.5 kV, 60 Hz, 3 -phase transformer. By staggering laminations of different widths, the core legs can be made almost circular. This reduces the coil diameter to a minimum, resulting in less copper and lower I 2 R losses. The legs are tightly bound to reduce vibration. Mass of core: 53,560 kg.
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Three-phase transformers 9/10/2015 UCET 13 Fig.10c Same transformer ready for shipping. It has been subjected to a 1050 kV impulse test on the HV side and a similar 250 kV test on the LV side. Other details: power rating : 110 MVA /146.7 MVA (OA/FA); total mass including oil : t; overall height : 9 m; width: 8.2 m, length : 9.2 m. (Courtesy of ABB)
2. Delta-delta connection 9/10/2015UCET 14 Fig.1 Delta-delta connection of three single-phase transformers. The incoming lines (source) are A, B, C and the outgoing lines (load) are 1, 2, 3.
Delta-delta connection 9/10/2015UCET 15 Fig.2 Schematic diagram of a delta-delta connection and associated phasor diagram.
Delta-delta connection 9/10/2015 UCET 16 In such a delta-delta connection, the voltages between the respective incoming and outgoing transmission lines are in phase. If a balanced load is connected to lines 1-2-3, the resulting line currents are equal in magnitude. This produces balanced line currents in the incoming lines A-B-C. The power rating of the transformer bank is three times the rating of a single transformer.
3. Delta-star connection 9/10/2015 UCET 17 Fig.3 Delta-wye connection of three single-phase transformers.
Delta-star connection 9/10/2015UCET 18 Fig.4 Schematic diagram of a delta- wye connection and associated phasor diagram.
Delta-star connection 9/10/2015UCET 19 The voltage across each primary winding is equal to the incoming line voltage. However, the outgoing line voltage is 3 times the secondary voltage across each transformer. The line currents in phases A, B and C are 3 times the currents in the primary windings. A delta-wye connection produces a 30° phase shift between the line voltages of the incoming and outgoing transmission lines
Delta-star connection 9/10/2015 UCET 20 If the outgoing line feeds an isolated group of loads, the phase shift creates no problem. But, if the outgoing line has to be connected in parallel with a line coming from another source, the 30° shift may make such a parallel connection impossible, even if the line voltages are otherwise identical.
9/10/2015UCET 21 One of the important advantages of the wye connection is that it reduces the amount of insulation needed inside the transformer. The HV winding has to be insulated for only 1/ 3, or 58 percent of the line voltage.
4. Star-delta connection 9/10/2015 UCET 22 The currents and voltages in a wye- delta connection are identical to those in the delta-wye connection. The primary and secondary connections are simply interchanged. There results a 30° phase shift between the voltages of the incoming and outgoing lines.
5. Star-star connection 9/10/2015UCET 23 When transformers are connected in wye- wye, special precautions have to be taken to prevent severe distortion of the line-to-neutral voltages. (1) connect the neutral of the primary to the neutral of the source, usually by way of the ground
9/10/2015UCET 24 Fig.6 Wye-wye connection with neutral of the primary connected to the neutral of the source.
Star-star connection 9/10/2015UCET 25 (2) provide each transformer with a third winding, called tertiary winding. Fig.7 Wye-wye connection using a tertiary winding.
Star-star connection 9/10/2015 UCET 26 Note that there is no phase shift between the incoming and outgoing transmission line voltages of a wye-wye connected transformer.