S1 Visual Mission
WHAT is the VISUAL MISSION ? To help you understand the elements we use to become creative~ line shape tone texture pattern colour
You will need... Pencils ~ including coloured pencils Pens ~ fine point felt pens or biro Crayons Pritt stick (or glue) Scissors Old magazine/newspaper Interesting ‘stuff’ »TIME !!
Each page will tell you ~ About a VISUAL ELEMENT How to complete a small TASK What to CREATE or COLLECT in the space provided
Here are some sample pages
LINE ~ drawing task
LINE ~ collect or create
SHAPE ~ drawing task HANDY HINT : Try this without a ruler ! Mask off edges with paper. Look for parallel lines HANDY HINT : Don’t rush this one ! It takes a lot of concentration & a steady hand.
SHAPE ~ collect or create
TONE ~ drawing task HANDY HINT : Mask off the edge with a bit of paper to help you keep the edges neat HANDY HINT : use a soft, dark pencil such as 2B or 4B
TONE ~ collect or create
TEXTURE ~ drawing task HANDY HINT : For best effect – keep your marks close together and similar HANDY HINT : For best effect – keep your marks close together and similar HANDY HINT : Rub crayon in one direction. Hold down firmly This is from a shoe sole HANDY HINT : Rub crayon in one direction. Hold down firmly This is from a shoe sole
TEXTURE ~ collect or create
PATTERN ~ drawing task HANDY HINT : Plan your layout by drawing guide lines first
PATTERN ~ collect or create
COLOUR ~ drawing task HANDY HINT: try colouring 3 segments with Primary colours first (red, yellow, blue) Then layer colours to create Secondary colours eg. yellow over red to create orange. Finally layer colours to create Tertiary colours eg. Green over blue; orange over green etc. REMEMBER : FELT PENS ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR THIS TASK !
COLOUR ~ collect or create
FINALLY ~ personalise + decorate your front cover by adding NAME & CLASS THEN….. Hand it in on time
We hope you enjoy this Mission + we look forward to seeing the results in August Attention NEW S1 Check out the Art Dept webpage for VISUAL MISSION information >>> Attention NEW S1 Check out the Art Dept webpage for VISUAL MISSION information >>>